Current Design Teams

Friday, March 30, 2012

What day is it? Really?!

Running a bit behind this week.
Better late than never.
This week's challenge at HDH is to find inspiration in one of
the Brother's Grimm fairy tales.
There are well over 200 tales of strangeness, murder,
intrigue, and superstition to choose from.
Disney apparently took his signature move of killing off
the mothers in the first paragraph, as told by the Grimms in the
original stories.
Then the evil step mother and her unattractive and ill behaved
offspring arrive to ruin the life of the sweet, and innocent
maiden and her widower father.
Three drops of blood also seem to be a theme in more than
one of the Grimm stories, although I only recall
the specific reference in Snow White. 

I went with an oldy, but a goody (aren't they all?),

Hansel and Gretel

That old witch has no idea what she's in for! 

I used Bowtie and Karin from Stampotique to
represent those kooky kids in the story. 
I colored them up in bright, candy colors and Stickled the
begeezus out of the old shack to make it pretty to the

Little does the old crone know that the kids have
other plans for their dining pleasure.
More of a "meat tooth"  to satisfy, if you will.
I popped the fence up on foam dots to give it dimension and an
unintentional wonkiness that totally works. I added rhinestones
to the MS punched fence, and some candy border stickers
to finish  this off.

There is still time to enter our challenge at HDH.
We are sponsored by Ike's Art, and she is offering up a
fabulous setof Alice in Wonderland digis seen here.

Oh and did you hear?
We are having a DT call for our
Macabre Monday challenge team!
C'mon, you know you wanna be a Minion!
You can find out all of the details here.   

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wretched Wednesday - Can I quote you on that?

This week's challenge at HDH is all about quotes.
I am a big fan of the written word and I really
enjoy a good, thought provoking, or witty
little quip worth repeating.
In my head, that's a good quote. One that bares repeating.
I have a couple of books of quotations and many notebooks
of quotes that I have enjoyed and jotted down over the years.

Mae West was always good for a smart citation.

I chose just one of her many zings, and matched it with
this great zombie chick found on Simply Betty's PCP site.
I colored her with Copics andadded some MS border punches
 a some Spellbinders die cuts. I decided to keep the colors bright and
cheery to give it a springtime feel despite the bloody connotations.

I had so much fun with this one, that I may just
have enough mojo left to make another card inspired
by yet another favorite quote. 

There is still plenty of time to play along with this week's
challenge at the Haunted Design House.
Remember, it's all based on your interpretation of a
favorite quote. You can't go wrong here.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kiss my Blarney Stone!

Corned beef in the crock pot and Killian's chilling in the fridge.
It's gonna be a good day.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Calaveras, Moustaches, and Steampunk

I have been busy working on a new line of
skull ornaments for various occasions.
Deb, at On Cupcake Moon inspired the ornament
idea while I was working on her custom order for
Valentine's Day.

I have made various St. Pat's ornaments and magnets.

Here is a dapper Steampunk skull, complete with
top hat and a gear tooth bling!

And then here are my babies.
So cool, but a serious pain to paint them with any
symmetry at all! I must have wiped each side off
at least twice! And painting them with a tooth pick and
a piercing tool is a bit labor intensive, but worth the work
in the end, I think.

I'm still trying to figure out how to make bunny ears
stay on and not be a breaking hazard.

Okay, I listed the above pieces in my Etsy shop if
anyone is interested.

Gotta work on another St. Pat's Skull order for a local client
due tomorrow morning. It's gonna be a late night.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's still Wednesday right?

I'm running a bit behind today.
A much needed nap turned into a marathon snooze that
left me totally scrambled and less than enthusiastic about
my undone chore list for the day.

This week's challenge at Haunted Design House
seems to have stumped even our most loyal and creative
weekly followers.
The challenge is called, Evil Empire.
You are supposed to choose your favorite Disney
villain and make a project using your chosen
bad guy or gal as your inspiration.
Now that can mean anything from using Maleficent's
color scheme of black and purples, to making your project
with an Arabian flair to show us the evil Jafar

I chose the absolute scariest Disney villain ever...  

(also known as Satan) is the massive nocturnal devil and the main antagonist in Night on Bald Mountain, who holds power over various restless souls. His name is taken from Chernobog, a deity of Slavic mythology; the name is Slavic for "black god". While officially a pagan god, it should also be noted that Chernabog might have originally been intended to be Satan: when "Night on Bald Mountain" appeared on the original Wonderful World of Disney, Walt Disney referred to Chernabog as "Satan himself." Deems Taylor also refers to Chernabog as "Satan" in the film.

I found two really cool pictures on google and kept it
all pretty simple. Primary colors are not my favorite to work
with, but didn't realize how prominent they were until I was
too far to turn back. 

I UTEE'd this image to make it look like a tile,
and I used my favorite sentiment ever, the
"Heathen's Greetings" from Leavenworth Jackson.

There are a ton of awesomely horrendous villains
to choose from in the Disney archives.
Maybe a character who wasn't intended to be a bad guy
is your most detested villain. Show us!!
You have until Sunday at 5PM, CST to join in on
this challenge - if you're up to it.
I mean only the most creative and awesome crafters
may be up to this caliber of creating.

How's that for some chain yanking?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Smashed Canary

I am a fan of the Saturated Canary images
so brilliantly drawn by Krista Smith.

So fun to color and create with her images!

I follow her blogs and saw a post she wrote about
SMASH Books.
Now I remember Slam books (which were usually confiscated)
from junior high school, but this Smash concept was still new to me.
Or so I thought.

This is a composition notebook that I turned into
a scrap book of sorts quite some years ago.
Notice the custom electrical tape running down the left side.
Nice and durable construction. Electrical tape was my friend
way before I met duct tape.
Love the fancy layering and torn edges there too.
I think I used watercolor colored pencils to color that image. 

She's a little thick just like her Mama.

Here are the templates to some of my tattoos.
I usually don't like to leave them behind for
portfolio flash - even though most of it's flash anyway. 

Here is a page of drawings from my son, Gryphon
when he was a little guy.

Here are some clippings and fortunes and
miscellaneous artwork that I liked and collected.

Some of these are just comical if you know me.
Charm and courtesy are my middle names. 

I had to get kitty in there. Believe me, she's got more than
a few pages devoted to her and her artwork/toys/etc...
The picture on the right is by one of my favorite artists,
He knew how to draw a real woman in comic form.
He also wrote the popular adult comic, Cheech Wizard
from the late 60's and 70's.

So there is my version of a SMASH book.
I was so ahead of my time on this one!  
I've also likened this book to my Spellbook.
It holds so many bits of me and what I like and
hope to aspire to, and who I used to be and who I
have become.

I'd like to enter this into the giveaway on Krista's blog

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wretched Wednesday - Terrible Twos

I'm here with this week's WW installment of
Macabre Monday's
Terrible Twos challenge,
sponsored by

3 digis of your choice are up for grabs this week.
Megan is also retiring quite few digis, so now is a
good time to pick up those images you have been
"thinking" of getting.

I decided to jump right into spring with this little number.
I used the "Zombie Bunny" image from Dilly Beans.
I printed him out once in black and then I flipped the image,
lightened up the opacity, and enlarged it, before printing him
again. I colored them both with Copics, but the larger one
got more of a faded look. I cut it into quarters and mounted
everything up on black and green papers and stocks.
Simple, yet effective.  

Such a perfect image for those of us who like
things a bit on the macabre side for all occasions.
I hope Megan makes a new Zombie for upcoming
occasions like Thanksgiving and the 4th of July.
Can't you just see this guy with a pilgrim's hat
or in an Uncle Sam get up?

I made this card only in black and green so I could

Get your crafting mojo on and make something
doubly dark or twice as terrible for this week's
Deadline is 5 PM CST this Sunday.