Current Design Teams

Friday, March 16, 2012

Calaveras, Moustaches, and Steampunk

I have been busy working on a new line of
skull ornaments for various occasions.
Deb, at On Cupcake Moon inspired the ornament
idea while I was working on her custom order for
Valentine's Day.

I have made various St. Pat's ornaments and magnets.

Here is a dapper Steampunk skull, complete with
top hat and a gear tooth bling!

And then here are my babies.
So cool, but a serious pain to paint them with any
symmetry at all! I must have wiped each side off
at least twice! And painting them with a tooth pick and
a piercing tool is a bit labor intensive, but worth the work
in the end, I think.

I'm still trying to figure out how to make bunny ears
stay on and not be a breaking hazard.

Okay, I listed the above pieces in my Etsy shop if
anyone is interested.

Gotta work on another St. Pat's Skull order for a local client
due tomorrow morning. It's gonna be a late night.



  1. Glo these are fabulous and worth every meticulous minute! For bunny ears I would use an eye pin and tin foil then add the clay over but stick the eye pin in the head x

  2. WoW Glo - these are simply AWESOME. What fabulous new creations and I love the flowery ones at the bottom... absolutely superb :-D xxxxx

  3. OMGosh, Glo! These are priceless! The 1st one totally got me laughing. Too fun! Can't wait to see the bunny ears.

  4. These are brilliant Gloria, love them :D

  5. They are awesome. Love the St Patty day one. Too cute. Good work

  6. Ha, these are great! I love the shamrock growing out of the eye socket, too clever! And the steampunk guy with the grill bling is hilarious too.

  7. the steampunk skull is fabulous! *gets more ideas for ornament tree*

  8. I love these!!! Great talent, I'll be checking out your etsy :)


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