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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wretched Wednesday - Can I quote you on that?

This week's challenge at HDH is all about quotes.
I am a big fan of the written word and I really
enjoy a good, thought provoking, or witty
little quip worth repeating.
In my head, that's a good quote. One that bares repeating.
I have a couple of books of quotations and many notebooks
of quotes that I have enjoyed and jotted down over the years.

Mae West was always good for a smart citation.

I chose just one of her many zings, and matched it with
this great zombie chick found on Simply Betty's PCP site.
I colored her with Copics andadded some MS border punches
 a some Spellbinders die cuts. I decided to keep the colors bright and
cheery to give it a springtime feel despite the bloody connotations.

I had so much fun with this one, that I may just
have enough mojo left to make another card inspired
by yet another favorite quote. 

There is still plenty of time to play along with this week's
challenge at the Haunted Design House.
Remember, it's all based on your interpretation of a
favorite quote. You can't go wrong here.



  1. What a perfect quote for that image! I think your choice of colors is perfect - gives it fun look to go with the quote. Wonderful card!!!

  2. Love the colors and the shading! The quote works so well with this, too! Can I ask where you got that zombie chick stamp? I love it!

    Dena :)

  3. I freaking LOVE this! Fab sentiment to go with that image!

  4. Wonderful sentiment and this creation is FANTASTIC. Just lovin' your colour combo :-D xxxx

  5. Superb sentiment and fab colouring. Where is the image from?> xx

  6. Awesome card, and a fabulous quote! She really does have some good ones! I love how you colored your SBS zombie! And I really like that you used bright colors instead of dark, gothy ones.

  7. Fantastic coloring, as usual. Love the quote and the zombie gal together.


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