Current Design Teams

Sunday, December 4, 2011

CREEPMAS: Days 3 and 4

Had a bit of a crappy week, so I have fallen behind on my
Creepmas posts.
My husband's work truck was stolen from in front of our house
Friday. All of his personal tools are gone!
Well over $2000 worth of his livelihood, STOLEN!
The truck was recovered later in the day, but now my husband's
awesome schmuck of an employer has scheduled him
OFF WITHOUT PAY for the entire coming week
as a finishing turd in the punchbowl to this wonderful experience!
Oh! And a Merry Hexmas to you too!

I did put together a couple of clean and simple cards to get my head
out of the depressive fog.

I absolutely LOVE this stamp!!

I picked this image up at Paper Makeup Stamps.
But I did get a smashing deal on some fabulous stamps.  

I used Kraft stock and a cute rotating stamp
that has a bunch of holiday sentiments on it.
I thought "Naughty or Nice" was fitting.

I'll get my head in the game and will be back for the
remaining 9 Days of Creepmas.


  1. geez, sorry to hear about the theft...hope all turns out well for you guys. really ticks me off hearing about this kind of stuff. hang in there and love the cards!

  2. WOW! what a jewel of an employer! >:(

  3. I'm so sorry to hear what a crappy week you've had! Your cards are awesome though!!

  4. I hope that employer suffers a little of the bad karma he sent your husband's way. So sorry to hear of all the missing tools, scary and depressing.
    Kudos to you for still finding a thread of creativity in the midst of it all!

  5. What an A**hole! Like you put a sign on the vehicle and said "Steal me". Nasty bugger! So sorry about your crap week. Really cute cards, though, hon. P.S. Love the magnets and ornies I ordered. You ROCK! xxD

  6. did i mention i loved you lately... in a totally brother and sister kind of way and not them backwoods of relations... you are the best, thank you for steam-pumpkin part of all your great work!


  7. I'm sorry to hear about the theft.. that is so crappy. hope things take a turn for the better.

  8. Glo that is awful I am so sorry to hear this. Freakin horrible people out there!! How could his boss do that too, is that even legal?! Your cards are brilliant and loving the images. Hope good luck comes knocking soon. Hex on those thiefs brilliant. xx

  9. I just bought that stamp for myself! I just wish I could color as well as you can!


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