Current Design Teams

Friday, December 2, 2011

13 Days of Creepmas: Day 2

The cold weather here in Northern California has finally hit.
First we had some fog, but now the icy searing winds have
blown all the fog away to reveal gorgeous blue skies
and a bright sun!

Sounds like soup time to me!!!

Fresh, homemade Turkey noodle barley soup!
The only way to creepen it up a bit was to serve it
in these awesome skull bowls!

My little cherub friend doesn't care much for soup.

He's just having a little sniff to make sure it's still fresh.
Never can be too cautious with  your raw brains.

Bone Appetit!!


  1. Brilliant loving your bowls and the brain munching cherub xx

  2. I love homemade soup. Hold the brains.

  3. I just had Turkey noodle soup..I KNEW something was missing. Skull bowls and brain sniffing zombie cherub!

  4. Your soup looks does your dear little cherub...i hope he remembered to wash his just dont know what germs could be on them.

    I also love..... big time..... the santa below.... do you think my girls would freak out if i altered all our christmas stuff?
    much love xxx

  5. Yumbo! that soup looks wonderful and the brains are lookin' mighty fine too. (Jeez, this diet is getting to me!) LOL Too cute! xxD


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