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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Valentine's Day Coitus

There sure was a lot of Valentine's Day lovin'
going on in my family and friend's families in the past!
I have like 10 birthdays
to make cards for in this month alone! 
Next month is even busier!

Here are a couple.

I am really becoming quite a fan of
This beauty is called,
"Blushing Rose Fairy". 
Did ya see my fancy schmancy bow?!
Never gonna happen again....

The adorable little pig is/was a free image from the 
sweetest artist ever, Torico

So cute!
Drop by Torico's Etsy shop and pick up some
adorable digis of your very own! 

Did ya see my weak bow?
I told you it was a one time deal.

Been busy stocking my Etsy shop with lots of
killer stocking stuffers for under $10 and $5!!
Shop now for your best selection!! 

I am also thrilled to be working on
a top secret project for Sunday.
Check back, you won't want to miss this!
I'm goofy with excitement.
That means something really wicked and insane is getting ready
to be unveiled.  

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