Current Design Teams

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Uh oh! There's a zombie in the rabbit hole!

I am super thrilled to announce the new release at

How about....

Yup, yup, yup! Soooo cool!!
And I was invited to join in on this release today since Tracey
knows I am such a zombie enthusiast and lover of the undead.
Wait a minute, that didn't sound very nice...

Soooo cool, right?!
I painted an 8 X 10 canvas using acrylics and my own twisted
version of Wonderland.
I still need more practice with paint, but I am having so much fun!  

This cat is my favorite. I LOVE that stitched eyeball!
And the blood running around the eyeball and into the teeth is brilliant!!

Oh Alice!
What have you done to poor Mister Rabbit?!

He is going to be very late!

I had so much fun working on this canvas.
I used Glossy Accents on both the images, but found that the colors
faded once it was completely dry. Bummer.
I added more red paint to make the blood pools. Fun! 

I am still working on my second canvas featuring the other
two images of the Hatter and the Red Queen.
They are both so awesome!!!!
I should have the new piece up very soon so check back,
and in the mean time, drop by
to get your very own


  1. Bwaahahahaha - this is AWESOME Glo. Love the new images and your painted background rocks !!!

  2. This is really fantastic! Can't wait to see the other two!

  3. Awesome. You know I love it - wouldn't have picked ya as a GDT otherwise. I am dying to see the other two used. Don't keep me in suspense too long.

  4. Love it Glo!!!! you have done an amazing job on your canvas and the images are FAB!!! :)

  5. Superb canvas work, loving your colouring and basically the whole thing is dare I say AWESOME! xx

  6. That's ridiculously amazing. I hope Santa steals that from you and puts it in my stocking.


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