Saturday, June 4, 2011

First Annual Worldwide Skull Appreciation Day Hop

If you happened here by chance and want
to join in from the beginning, please start
here. We have prizes to offer.....

Well it's finally here!
The First Annual Skull Appreciation Day!
The awesome Skull a Day blog started the
campaign for this long overdue day of recognition
of the cranium in it's many forms. 

As part of the idea behind the holiday and it's
associated blog hopping with Smeared Ink,
we were to create a homemade skull project of any sort
to show our appreciation for the skull. Right up my alley!
I have a special giveaway planned for one lucky
hopper, so keep reading to the end!

This is about as homemade as it gets!
I was inspired by a wonderful shop on Etsy called,
I have admired their art for quite sometime, and was very
inspired by their three dimensional skull art pieces.
It is painfully clear to me that I am not able to
recreate a human skull in any medium, be it clay,
drawing, or painting. I decided to go with a more
whimsical or fantastical design and here he is! 

He is sculpted of polymer clay and then I added his designs
with paint and permanent markers.
He has my signature "wonky eyes" with a loverly purple
rhinestone set in one socket.
Finally, I mounted him onto a hand painted plaque that is
ready to be hung proudly on this day of cranial celebration!

Now the pay off for sticking around this long.
I am offering up a $10 store credit to my Etsy shop
for one lucky visitor who is randomly selected from
their comment left on this post. Make sure to leave a way
for me to contact you if you are the chosen one.
I will pick a winner on Sunday, June 12th.

My sister Minion, Susan is next on this wonderful ride,
but if you get lost along the way, here is the hop list: 

There's alot of us, but it is definitely worth the price of
admission to see all of the wonderfully creative projects
everyone has worked so hard on for this hop! 


  1. This is adorable (which is kinda crazy thing to say about a skull). This is just another amazing creation from yourself, although I bet you could do a real skull with clay. x

  2. Just LOVIN' those horns, hon! He's freakin' fantastic! You know where I live. LOL xxD

  3. WOW this is absolutely amazing !!!! I LOVE IT !!!! your skull is awsome and i love the colours and designs everything about it is perfect xxx

  4. OMG Glo.... LOVE IT!!! :) I happen to be a lover too! Well, not of EVERYONE'S skulls, really it's just my own. It's kind of like other people's kids.... LOL!

  5. Very Coooool skullie - just LUV it. TFS
    Ike xx

  6. So wickedly wonderful!!! I love it!!! Awesomeness!!!

  7. lol, your skull is not so bad..better than mine would be if I attempted this technique...BUT, you have made it look really cool with the markers and jewel decs.. I think it's a great job!

  8. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your wonky skull!!

  9. I think it's wonderful, I love the wonky eye

  10. I love your horned skull creation, and the colours and design are so striking :D

  11. Oh this is awesome! I love the fangs and the horns! Your style is soooo cool.

  12. This is awesome (said in a sing-songy voice)! Love this skully! The horns...the "wonky" eyes...everything! It's just fabulous. I'm so glad you hopped with us!

  13. Polymer clay wickedness, Glo! LOVE the horns, painted background, and most definitely the wonky eyes!! Fantastic :)

  14. you skull is fabulous and the wonky eyes are great- especially ANY eye that is purple AND bling!!!!
    Thank you for offering up such a fabulous prize! You are too kind!

  15. cool polymer skull with "wonky" eyes!

  16. Love your skull fantastic work
    Luv Jane xxx

  17. Fantastic plaque, great colours and love the gems in the eye.

    Frith x

  18. Ooooo...prize schwag, and a look at something I find very cool indeed! Awesome sculpture.

  19. now wher did that little devil go, oh yeah there he is, so cute

  20. I adore your artpiece. It would be a treasure in anyone's home. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Yet another amazing clay creation! I love your work! I wish I had an ounce of your sculpting talent. You rawk!

  22. As always, I love it! The horns are adorable - is adorable allowed? lol!

  23. very nicely done! I love that it is not typical.
    amazing stuff, thank you!

  24. He is uniquely adorable!! LOVE IT!!
    You had me with his eyes! LOL
    cool shop also :)

    inky hugs,

  25. awww i love it! whimsey is always best! wonderful job!

  26. that is so wicked cool! just love it! :)

  27. Freakishly adorable! I love this little skullie,especially the wonky eyes! Fabulous and thanks for offering a prize :)

  28. Your clay work is amazing- love the color combo.

  29. I love your creation! Outstanding handiwork and great colors!

  30. I love your mounted horned skull! He's fantastic!

    Following your blog now. Who wouldn't want a chance to win one of your creations. They rock!! :)

  31. I can see these being a roaring success in your shop. Fantastically whimsical

  32. Oh Glo... you are so darned clever.... this is creepy cute at its best... adorable! I wish i had one ounce of your talent with clay... i need lessens from ya... i wish you luck at the weekend ...that coffin display stand is incredible.... i need one of those too!
    Much love lynx

  33. you know I love your stuff! and this piece is no exception! simply fab! can't wait to see more like him :) I just love the details on his horns!

    batman-love at

  34. Wow, this is the coolest polymer clay skull creation! I love how you blinged up one of his eyes. Awesome! Thank you for hopping with us at S&S & for sponsoring us this month!

  35. I LOVE YOUR CREATIONS! This is just so amazing! I will have to visit your shop soon!!! Thanks for being one of our fab sponsor and for joining us on the hop!



Feel free to comment or just vent.