Current Design Teams

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"You're the one that I want!"

Well, there hasn't been many themes that
Betty, from Simply B Stamps hasn't "Emo'ed",
and now you can add the 50's era to that list!

Here is my version of the lovely, "Lola".

She reminds me of the scene from Grease at the carnival,
with Sandy all dressed up in black and (gasp!) smoking! 

I'll be back tomorrow with another 50's themed Emo
and then only one more sneak peek until the release
of rubber on Friday! 


  1. Your colouring is amazing as well. Love how you coloured her grayscale. Tremendous card x

  2. FABBULOUS!!I just love it when you work with this color scheme!Great card hun!

  3. Now I'm gonna go to bed singin' that from "Grease". Perfect! xxD


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