Current Design Teams

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Macabre Monday "Necro Neck wear"

As soon as I heard HDH was being sponsored this week
by none other than the uber wicked,
I knew exactly what I wanted to create for the challenge.

The "Necro Neck wear" challenge is to create a piece of 
original artwork that may be chosen as a new design for
Kustom Kaskets, and they will also make the winning design
into a pendant for one lucky wiener!!! How cool, right?! 

Earlier this week, I debuted a re purposed piece of religious
sculpture that turned out quite awesome. My dear friend and 
fellow team mate, Andrea, popped my Zombie Buddha into
an ornate frame and I must admit, I would totally rock this piece!!!
       I actually did come up with an original piece of art
to submit for this challenge as well.

I bought this adorable little 3" x 3" canvas and easel
a while back and thought it was the perfect size
for this challenge. I realize it may be a bit large for an
actual pendant, but it did keep my scale in check.
It was nice to work so small.
I think he's cool even with all the zombie drool!

I'll be back a little later with one of the 50's Emos
being released tomorrow at SBS.  


  1. the buddah is a good idea...but I do love that zombie skull I just love how he looks like the lil ones you make...what a great idea! and that drool is perfect! I would wear it as a necklace!

  2. He is very very very cool, look at you rockin the paint as well as the clay and cards etc etc etc x

  3. I just love the skully on his little easel, but would totally love him as a necklace as well. Fab buddha too. I used to collect them. Not quite as scary though. LOL xxD

  4. So cute - not to mention beautifully painted!


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