Thursday, April 14, 2011

BWAINZZZZZ!!! and some Zombie WIPs

Zombie Apocalypse
 is this week's challenge theme
Zombies. Easy. Done! My area of personal expertise if I dare.
This is my challenge. I'm all over it.
And I sit, and I continue to sit some more and I ponder
the possibilities of this challenge. Do I use a digital image
or do I use one of the new SBS Zombies? Do I even make
a card, or should I sculpt something? Yes, clay that's good.
Now what to sculpt? A whole Zombie? I'd like to add that this
internal conversation was happening at like 2AM on Wednesday.
An entire Zombie sculpt is not going to happen. The pressure 
really kicks in when I see what fellow DT member, Lynx made.
Really? And I'm supposed to be the Zombie girl?
I conceded a few times, but finally went with what I am
currently working on anyway.

I give you...

These are about the size of a quarter and are flat enough to
use on paper crafts. 
They are perfect as cabochons or for use on other crafts.
I picture these on a trinket box in leui of rhinstones or
a cameo.
Hmmm... the seed was just planted.

These two were some prototypes with bites taken out.
I made some that actually do glow in the dark,
and I also made some as pendants too.

Check my Etsy shoppe for these brains and some
larger, more detailed sTeAmPunKiNs in the coming days.  

And here is a project I have been dying to get to for weeks!

I have taken these sweet, resin cherubs
and transformed them a bit.

Can you see where this is going?
I plan to make them in to magnets and or lapel pins.
Stay tuned... 


  1. OMG Those GlowBwainz are awesome, love them, can't wait to see how the Cherubs mutate :)

  2. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Those are a must have. Way too cool for words.

  3. you really want me to love you this week... one more zombie post and i will be in heaven!
    fruit roll ups... for dinner?

  4. Those brains are cool as... Your cherubs are already freakin me out haha. Can't wait to see those steampunkins x

  5. When are they coming to the shop? Hmm hehe x

  6. I am lovin the bwains! Awesome!

  7. i love these angels! i wanted to make some too but i need to get the materials.

    the brains are the best! muhahahah


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