Current Design Teams

Thursday, March 31, 2011

If I was ever going to switch teams...  would totally be for this little filly right here.

Mae Western, I think I love you!

The challenge at Kenny K this week is Aquamarine.
I chose to go more aqua than blue, and she is awesome!!!

I love the huge contrast between the aqua and the orange.
Total opposite sides of the color wheel, but I love it!!
I always saw her in my head as a redhead. HOTTT!!!
The paper was a perfect match and the stars make it possible to
enter this week's Corrosive Challenge which is stars!!
I kept this one really simple so Mae was the main and only
real focus of the card. A few SU star punches and
this dog will hunt!!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weak Ticket Wednesday and a Birthday Wish for my Curse

I am calling this post
Weak Ticket Wednesday
because I totally called it in on this one.
I never could come up with a cool and unique idea for
the Hacked to Bits challenge at
The other DT gals really shredded it up one side and down the
other this week, but I could not get the "wow" factor I was hoping for.

Hello Freddy!!

How flippin' adorable and tattoo worthy
is he???
No joke, this may be the next tatt.

I had fun making the shaped cards. I saw some challenges a
while back that called for shaped cards, but I didn't know about
using my Nesties for this until I saw it on Donna's blog.
I like it! Thanks Donna.

This is another shaped card I made for
my best friend of some 28 (YIKES!) years.
She's a big giant 41 today!!!!

LOVE the image. I snagged it off of Google a while ago and was
saving it for Curse's card. Her name is Chris, but when my son
(our love child) was learning to say her name he called her
"Curse" instead of Chris, and if you know her you also
know why it stuck.
Happiest of Birthdaze
to you Curseteen!

I am entering ths bunny card at Crafty Creations
for their bunny challenge. Tee hee. Thanks Teri.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wee Stamps Cuteness

I have succumbed to the cuteness over at
I admit it. I like cute. I have fricken Hello Kitty and
Kuromi tattoos - that's permanently cute.
I first saw Sylvia's style of art at Spesch Stamps
and quickly gobbled up the images for sale there.
Then, Sylvia opened her own shop and now I have even more
cuteness to collect!!

This is "Sweet Blossom". Yes, yes it is isn't it?
Bleepin' adorable! Love the little critter next to her too!

So fun to color and make such a cute spring card.
I am anxiously awaiting the sun which should be here
this week with temps in the high 70's!!! We have had so
much rain and drab days for the past month or so. I am 
ready for the sun and spring to get sprung!  

Monday, March 28, 2011

Kraftin' Kimmie, how I've missed you

Today I have a card I made with
with the awesome image, "Perfect Poison",
from the insanely talented artist, Annie Rodrigue.

I have had this image for far too long and am just
thrilled to finally ink her up and make something
this pretty and spring-like.

I really LOVE this image. I had alot of fun coloring her
with Copics and what I consider to be spring colors for the
challenge over at Kraftin' Kimmie.
The colors in her dress remind me of gorgeous spring blooms
like crocuses and irises. I cannot wait for the sun to finally 
bring out those colors in my own yard. The wisteria is huge with buds
just begging to bloom out in their full violet regalia!!  

One of my trademark Glow Skullz adornes the center
of my cute Sizzix layered fleur. I wanted to bring out
the yellow in "Poison's" dress and used it for the
Happy Birthday banner.

One of my favorite people in blogland,
has this awesome ability with paper and dimension. I tried my
best to mimic her arched bits (nothin' naughty I promise) and gave
the banner some dimension Nancy-style!

I am entering this card in the
and a new challenge blog called,

Friday, March 25, 2011

Get Well dammit!!!

I have a quick post today to show you
this cute little Get Well card I made using
Bugaboo Stamps Nurse image.

Isn't she just wicked?! Must be the syringe full of
pink meds! Hospitals would be way more inviting if the
nurses wore pink uniforms and high heels.
This little vixen is from the Sassy Girls line at Bugaboo.

I colored the rhinestones with Copics to match
the pinks on the card. I also sponged around the 
image while it was still in the Spellbinder die
with SU Cool Caribbean ink. 

The inside sentiment and band-aid stamps are
from Hambo Stamps. They have some of the best 
sentiments available anywhere! 

I dedicate this card to all the "Naughty Nurses" out there!
You know who you are!!!

Have a creepy weekend!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

SBS Sweet Gothic Easter previews

Today I have a couple more Easter previews from

The first one is Tilly.

Much to my dismay,  I didn't have any papers with pink
spiders on them, so I went ahead and made my own. 
I opted for black spiders on pink paper though.

She is quite a cutie with her tiny pink spiders
all over her umbrella.
Tilly was lots of fun to color and I especially like her
cotton candy pink hair. And those green eyes...

Next up is Sally.

I went with a very subtle pallet, and kept the colors fairly
light and spring-y. One of my favorite color combos for
spring is yellow and purple.
I colored a satin fleur to match and added grosgrain leaves
to finish it off. 

I really like how Sally turned out.
I want a bouquet like hers with tiny pink
bats fluttering about. Too cute!
I really like all the details in these images that 
make them such fun to create with and very
versatile outside of Easter projects.

The final preview and release is tomorrow and then all six of
these babies will be available for purchase at

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wicked Wednesday HDH081 Dastardly Divas

Welcome to another exciting installment of
Wicked Wednesday!
This week's challenge at Haunted Design House is
Dastardly Divas.
What that means is, we want to see your femme fatales,
your homicidal hotties, and your buxom bad asses!!

This week's challenge is being sponsored by
She has quite an assortment of digital goodies from
digi images to tubes and clip art in her store.

Barbara was generous enough to let the DT play with this
gorgeous Poison Ivy image from her digital image line.

For some reason when I first saw this image I immediately
envisioned her as some sort of alien Amazon woman.
Hence the violet skin and the blue hair.

I added some new (to me) Sizzix leaves and a new
fleur from Wild Orchids that I colored slightly to match.

I felt this fleur was a bit more exotic  and unique than the normal
roses or flat, petaled fleurs I usually use.

This week's sponsor, Barbara Jensen has offered up three
digital images of your choice as this week's prize.
You can't win if you don't play!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

SBS Sweet Gothic Easter preview

Today is the first day of the new SBS
Sweet Gothic World Kids Easter previews.

Today we are peeking at Alex.

I wanted to make it look like he was tripping over something,
but it just didn't translate well. I decided to stick with a funkier
vibe, as the bright, cheery Easter colors just didn't compliment
the skulls as well as the teal and green did.    

I also was at a loss for a witty little sentiment,
(I should have hit Cheri up for one)
but one picture is worth a thousand words right?
Easter is a hard holiday to make creepy without
offending someone or making a bloody mess.
Consider this my Sunday gift to you. No blood.

I'll be back later this week with more previews and
something bloody.... I promise. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

40 is a bitch!

Especially if you already are one.
I would know. I am both.
And now so is my dear friend Barb,
from the Haunted Design House!

Happy Birthday Barb!!!!!!

I have made you a little sumptin' sumptin'...

All of these delicious little gourds are on their way to you as
I type this. Thanks to a questionaire we replied to recently,
I was able to come up with a gift for Barb that incorporates two
of her favorite things, pumpkins and Steampunk. 
I give you my latest creation,
the "Steampunkins".
Kinda brilliant huh?
I have to thank Barb for the inspiration on these though.

So, enough about me, I'd like to say that Barb Foster
is an amazing artist, crafter, collector, and friend. I have plenty of
friends in real life, but feel as though I have really found a true
friend and sister in sickness(ie, Halloween, True Blood, wit, humour, etc.)
with Barb.
It's been almost a year that I have been a part of
the Haunted Design House DT, and even longer since I have
been inspired and coaxed out of my creative box by Barb and her
awesome Macabre Monday challenges. Fellow SBS DT member,
Jennifer is the one who sent me the link to Barb's blog, thinking
it was right up my alley. Man, was she ever spot on! Thanks Jennifer!
Here is the post with Jennifer's link and comment from Sept. '09.   
I think this post really endeared me to Barb though.
It's one of my favorite cards I ever made for MM.

Didn't I say enough about me?

Happy Birthday Barb!!!!!!
Big hug from the Glowbugg.  

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My head hurts!

Here is my latest creation for the Macabre Monday
challenge at Haunted Design House.
"Alas, poor Yorick" is the theme and the challenge
is to use some skulls, or just one in this case.

I used a paper mache mask from Mike's, painted it with
white and glow in the dark acrylic paints. I cut the hole
out quite effortlessly,  with a craft knife and then painted the
entire mask with some silver and sapphire pearl paints. I dabbed
the wet paint with a wet paper towel to wipe away most of the paint,
just leaving some shadows. Painted on some cracks and now
it's time for clay.

Next up are the clay props. I used alot of glow in the dark clay
for the fingernails and the eyeball which all glow quite fiercely,
but I couldn't get it to photograph at all.

Lastly, I glued everything into place with some
killer Super Glue craft and modeling glue from the
Dollar Store.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it now, but
it is a mask and all. I'll probably find a place to display
it somewhere....

Just a quick random note here regarding the
"Face Off" finale on the Syfy channel last night.
WTF?! Conner?! Really?!
I was so mad!!!!! I think I still am mad!
My first pick to win was immediately Tate. That guy
is insanely talented and showed that throughout the show.
His finale piece was phenomenal! I loved Gage's creation also
and thought he was the other forerunner for sure.
Conner is very talented, but he seems a bit strange and
safe in his concepts. Syfy is accepting apps for the new
season right now. Wish I had a better knowledge of
prosthetics and make up effects. I'd enter in a heartbeat!

And now some music for St. Patty's Day...


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A WIP and some purty glass

Today's Wicked Wednesday post is running a bit behind,
 but I am hopeful it will be worth the wait.
This week's Macabre Monday challenge is a pretty simple one.
"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest,
of most excellent fancy."
Just use skulls on your project. The more the merrier in my mind.
Not too many players yet this week. I even have sponsored
this challenge with a $20 gift certificate to my Etsy shoppe.
Plus, if you leave a comment on the HDH080 post stating your
favorite item from my Etsy site, you will be entered in a random
draw to win the item you chose.
You don't even have to make a project, just do a little window
shopping here, and leave a comment here.

Here is a peek at what I have cookin' for my MM offering.
I should have it completed shortly.

I made three wicked fingers with glow in the dark nails,
and one blind, glow in the dark eyeball.
You could read a book from the light this thing gives off!

More random bits of (finally) finished projects.

A sneak peek at what's coming to Etsy.
These guys are teeny tiny. Under an inch each.

Susan's cat/bunny/roo is finished and looking ready
to start delivering eggs for Easter.
I really like this one the best out of the two and I think it shows.

Yeah! Income tax return time!!!
First we bought a hot water heater and it is divine!!!!
48 gallons of hot water!!!! And I mean HOTT!! Just lovely.
With that purchase out of the way I bought a couple of
things to purty up the place a bit.
This is going to really pop when the bright sun shines through it
in a week or so. I can't wait. 
This thing is no joke. It measures about 30" wide. 

This lamp is completely decadent.
The shade is about 25" wide and the base even lights up!
The shade has over 1000 pieces of cut glass and even has
some cabochons and other textured glass embedded in it.
I'm going to name it, since I love it so much!

This is a torchiere lamp that we have had for years.
I still love it, but it pales a bit in comparison to the new baby.     

Here is the backdoor leading out into the backyard.
I Gallery Glassed it all by hand just using the liquid leading
and some fun colors.

I love colored glass!!! I have more, but felt this was getting
a bit much already.

I'll be back later with my Macabre Monday project. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Celebratory Romp for Susan's B.Day

Today is a big day for fellow Minion,
Today is her birthday, and in fine
we are wishing her a happiest of daze
with a little "Sinister Celebratory Romp".
The links to all of our blogs are on the 
HDH site or on most of our sidebars.


For your birthday I made you a kitty.
It's pretty tame for this bunch, but cute works sometimes.
And I managed to squeeze in a skull to maintain
my creep card. 


I hope you have a wonderful day Susan.
Hell, you have yourself a wonderful weekend too!
And this little critter is on his way across the pond to you
along with a big hug from this creepy fat chick .

Quick note regarding this cat sculpture.
I made another cat first, but when my son saw
it he asked "what?" it was and when I said it
was a cat (of course!), he said maybe I should try

Okay, I guess it does kinda look like a
kangaroo crossed with a bunny.
I envisioned him singing, but my son
(the friggin' critic) said it looked like
he was signalling for help while choking
on a hairball.

Oh well, I like him. After a little paint job he'll
be spiffy and unique. 
Whatever he is. 


Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Dragonfly Part Deux

Here is my second card using 
"The Dragonfly" from Sweet Pea Stamps. 

I used Vintage Sepia Versamark ink, stamped onto
Paper Trey Ink Rustic White card stock.
It seems like my cards are much more subtle
overall, when I use the brown inks to stamp with.

Another $$ Store rosette from the wedding aisle.
I just tipped the edges lightly with a RV09 Copic and
added some alcohol for the color to blend itself nicely.

I used the Fleur de Lis pendants from Spellbinders
and layered them to resemble a fleur behind the image.
I probably should have used more, but I will another day.
I also used a MS punch on the corners and added a second 
punch behind them in a contrasting glittered green card stock.

Okay, my son is away at camp for the next three days for
school, and I am going to make the most of my un-mommy
time and try and get more stamped images colored and made into
glorious works of art.
So far I'm three for three. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wicked Wednesday!!!!

Here it is Wednesday already. Man, the time flies
when the kid is gone away at camp. I had great plans
of things to accomplish uninterrupted, but alas, episodes
of "Oz" and "Supernatural" and "Being Human"
were begging to be watched on the DVR.
I am a weak ticket.

I did however, manage to make a project (or three) for this week's
HDH - Macabre Monday challenge of
"Toe tags and Body Bags".

You can either make a tag or a bag. Easy enough.  
I actually altered a tag from a pair of jeans that I just bought.
It was this awesome chipboard tag that I just knew I had
a reason to keep.
I decoupaged some favorite images and some mulberry paper for
texture and interest. The Plague Doctor image is from
fellow minion, Andrea, and the cherub is from an image
 I used previously for the"Love Bites" challenge.

I also got to use some rubber stamps that haven't
seen ink in ages. I Stickled and added a dew drop
eye to the good doctor and also gave him a fancy
beaded charm to hang from his beak.

I also have these really cool digital tags I got some time ago on
Etsy that I aged and heat embossed with super thick embossing
powder and some iridescent glitter. Then I cracked them to give
them a shattered glass effect. I added a hand made coffin
charm and some funky fibers to tie this one all together.

I aged a toe tag image (I think it's an invitation) that I found on Google,
and added it to a smaller aged, cracked tag with some jute.

And here is a glimpse of the iridescent glitter.

Please join us this week for our
"tag 'em or bag 'em " challenge

Sooooo, next week's challenge is the one I am sponsoring with
a $20 gift certificate to my Etsy shoppe.
I will be adding more items to my store this week so there
will be plenty to choose from.
I'm going to do things a little differently this time, so read the rules for
the challenge carefully so you can qualify for a chance to win 
a free gift just for leaving a comment.