Current Design Teams

Friday, March 18, 2011

40 is a bitch!

Especially if you already are one.
I would know. I am both.
And now so is my dear friend Barb,
from the Haunted Design House!

Happy Birthday Barb!!!!!!

I have made you a little sumptin' sumptin'...

All of these delicious little gourds are on their way to you as
I type this. Thanks to a questionaire we replied to recently,
I was able to come up with a gift for Barb that incorporates two
of her favorite things, pumpkins and Steampunk. 
I give you my latest creation,
the "Steampunkins".
Kinda brilliant huh?
I have to thank Barb for the inspiration on these though.

So, enough about me, I'd like to say that Barb Foster
is an amazing artist, crafter, collector, and friend. I have plenty of
friends in real life, but feel as though I have really found a true
friend and sister in sickness(ie, Halloween, True Blood, wit, humour, etc.)
with Barb.
It's been almost a year that I have been a part of
the Haunted Design House DT, and even longer since I have
been inspired and coaxed out of my creative box by Barb and her
awesome Macabre Monday challenges. Fellow SBS DT member,
Jennifer is the one who sent me the link to Barb's blog, thinking
it was right up my alley. Man, was she ever spot on! Thanks Jennifer!
Here is the post with Jennifer's link and comment from Sept. '09.   
I think this post really endeared me to Barb though.
It's one of my favorite cards I ever made for MM.

Didn't I say enough about me?

Happy Birthday Barb!!!!!!
Big hug from the Glowbugg.  


  1. These have to be the most amazing cutest things I have ever had the misfortune/joy (as now I have to get them) to lay my eyes on. You freakin rock at the ol clay creations you talented hag haha. You are on a roll hubby seen them and went oh they are cool but then said we are a couple of crawly bumlicks mwaha x

  2. Are you freakin' KIDDING ME!?! These are the cutest "Steampunkins" on the face of the EARTH!!!! Notice I paid no attention to likes and dislikes with MY offering but you have hit the frickin' nail on the head! WOW, WOW, WOW, Glo!!!! You gotta make these for your STORE! I LURVE them!!!!! xxD

  3. Your Steampunkins are adorabe!

  4. they aren't cute at all... they are sweeeet, i am a dude who wants one. hb barb.

  5. Absolutey brilliant! OMG they are the coolest ever!

  6. {insert lengthy & extremely high-pitched squeal of joy here}

    They are AMAZING! Steampunkins... LOL... I love the name. You do some fantastic work with clay, woman... all of that natural talent an all >:)

    I LOVE these! And they're all MINE?!! I can't wait... I'll be stalking my mailbox every day :) Thanks for making the big 4-0 bearable ;) And thanks for being a great sister of the sinister... you inspire me.

  7. Oh I AM SO JEALOUS! Ugh, how cool are those? Very, very cool!

    Also, I wanted to add that I happen to be the proud owner of that awesome Return of the Living Dead card in which you got the comment to check out HDH. I still display it proudly! And thanks for turning ME on to HDH!

  8. I love these! Absolutely gordgeous, he, he!

  9. girl---you so fricken kill me...these are simply AMAZING!!!! and I mean are such an inspiration to me and I thoroughly enjoy browsing your blog....keep up the great work....I miss ya Glo...


  10. Your Steampumpkins *are* brilliant!

    And beautiful and wonderful!

  11. OH MA GAWD GLORIA! These are so freakin cool! She's gonna love them! Where you come up with this stuff is beyond me. WOZERS!

  12. Baahaa Steampunkins!!You're so creative!!I freakin' love it!!I'm sure she's loving these!!

  13. WOW this are AWESOME !!!!!! steampumkin hahahaha perfect name too :)


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