Current Design Teams

Thursday, March 31, 2011

If I was ever going to switch teams...  would totally be for this little filly right here.

Mae Western, I think I love you!

The challenge at Kenny K this week is Aquamarine.
I chose to go more aqua than blue, and she is awesome!!!

I love the huge contrast between the aqua and the orange.
Total opposite sides of the color wheel, but I love it!!
I always saw her in my head as a redhead. HOTTT!!!
The paper was a perfect match and the stars make it possible to
enter this week's Corrosive Challenge which is stars!!
I kept this one really simple so Mae was the main and only
real focus of the card. A few SU star punches and
this dog will hunt!!



  1. Love this card, she is one sexy lady !!!!!

  2. Lets take this picture to a plastic surgeon and tell him we want to look like her!! She's a hiottie! I like the orange and blue too not colors I would think to use together.
    XO Curse

  3. OMG this is awesome! Doesn't Kenny K rock?? thanks for joining us at the corrosive challenge this week:)

  4. Fab card your colouring is amazing, love this image :)

  5. You are soooo very hilarious!! OMG I miss you!! hee hee This is gorgeous Gloria!! You did an amazing job of coloring her and this card rocks!

  6. Sexy Lady ! Your coloring is awesome and the colors fits great together. Thanks for playing with us at The Corrosive Challenge Blog !

  7. Fantastic! Yes, she is certainly a! Your card showcases her perfectly! Thanks for joining the challenge this week at Kenny K's Krafty Girlz ;D Hugz, Cheryl

  8. She must get serious back problems with those big knockers!!! Fabulous card x

  9. gorgeous card, sweetie and I love the image you have used….. Thanks for joining us at KKKGC....


  10. Fantastic color selections! This card RAWKS!!

  11. It's totally Fabulous!! Your Etsy rocks! Congrats on the win on Dawn's blog...glad I hopped over are fantastic!

  12. Totally luscious! Thanks for playing along with us at Corrosive Challenges, and good luck! :D

  13. what a fantastic make, love the backing papers and your blog gothic style rocks

    Good luck in the challenges, hugs Sarah-Louise My Blog

    Designing for:
    Crafty Purple Frog , Sweet Pea Stampers ,Bearly Mine Designs and Kenny K


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