Monday, February 21, 2011

HDH077 Doctor Death

"Doctor Death"
 the options were limitless this week!
I decided not to Google an image and use what I have
on hand for this challenge.

My first thought was a Kevorkian type of vibe, but
decided to go the cartoony, comical route instead.

I never seem to have a "Get Well" card on hand
when I need one so I thought this challenge was
a good opportunity to get at least one in my  stash.

The insane doctor image is from Hambo Stamps.
He is perfect for this challenge with his maniacal
laugh and the brain held high.
I used the airbrush thingy from SU! and attached
some red Copics for the blood splatter on his coat
and pants, and all the splatter inside the card too.

This two part sentiment is also from Hambo.
They have some of the funniest sayings ever. 
The IV bag is a rubber stamp from Stamp it Crazy.

The sexy nurse is an image from Bugaboo Stamps.
She is from the Sassy Gals line, and is nothing but
sass. LOVE her!

Please join us this week over at Haunted Design House
for this week's Macabre Monday challenge.
Let's see what kinds of horrors you can muster up
for this challenge. 


  1. Ahhahahaa!!! glo this is awesome! Those images are FAB...altho Im concerned about WHERE he's pulled that brain from.... :) REmind me not to be sick near ya! ;)
    Love ya

  2. Now if you were sick and you got this card you would probably bust a gut laughing your head off. Besides being so funny it looks brilliant also x

  3. Hilarious! LOVE the sentiment, the stamps and your great airbrushing. Wish I'd thought of that! xxD

  4. LOL! I was impressed with just thoutside of this one, but the inside sentiment is FABULOUS! :D

  5. HA HA HA!! I love the comic side of getting well. hee hee Great card Glo!


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