Monday, February 7, 2011

HDH075 Flesh Eating Frenzy

This post is a tad tardy, as I was just too wiped out
last night to generate my own post before crashing.
Too much fun (and gin).

I would like to quickly add a warning that this post contains
some (gasp!) nudity.

I fell in love with this image while trolling for something
"flesh eating" on google images.
I first made the mistake of googling "flesh eating" and received
a nauseating array of horrific photos of e coli and other
flesh melting schtuff. Est no bueno!
Then I changed my search to line drawings and zombies and found this gem.
Unfortunately, I don't recall the artist (for shame), but she is amazing!!!
I even went back and spent a good 15 minutes this morning
 looking for this image again and I just can't find it.

Anyhoo! I think I found my next tattoo.
If not the entire picture than at least one of those creepy ass cupids.
This image is perfect for this challenge and Valentine's Day.
Two challenges, one grossly romantic image. 

I destashed with these black feathers and I even reused a
sheer ribbon rosette that I received on a package from Barb.
I just edged the rosette with some Stickles for some shine.

I love this card and will probably frame it or put it in a shadowbox.

Head on over to Haunted Design House
 and play along this week!  



  1. Hey hon, when you find that image, send me a link. LOVE it! Fabulously romantic card, heehee! (IKWYM about googling "flesh eating"! EEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!) xxD

  2. No wonder you love it, looks like a wall hanging to me rather than a card. I seem to be the only person in the world that hates gin except sloe gin x

  3. Ohhhh get out of my head with your cupid tattoo. Amazing card, and thanks for the heads up on the Google search. I would have totally done the same thing. Beautiful work!

  4. I so hope you find the artist! this is so cool, and your rendition is excellent! let us know....I'm sure the artist will be thrilled.


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