Current Design Teams

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Steampunk Romance SBS blog hop

Welcome to my stop along the way
on this Romantic Steampunk Simply Betty blog hop.

You should have arrived here from the insanely talented
Cheri's blog ,
but if not and you'd like to join in from the beginning, go here.

I often think of how lucky I am to be on the Simply Betty DT,
and how fortunate I am to get to play and create with so many
unique and stunning and fun lines. The Steampunk line is one of my
most favorite to work with, and the new,
"Romance"  line is no exception.

Gwendolyn is a favorite of mine as well.
I decided to go with a vintage feel and kept the colors
fairly muted and subtle. For me anyway.

I went to town coloring the fleurs with my Copics.
I added color to the tips of the roses and then I dipped
them in alcohol and let them dry to a nice, blended,
realistic effect.
I had some large, brown glittered brads that really anchored
the ivory webbed ribbon down nicely.  

I colored Gwen in with Copics and
aged the edges of the panel with my scissors and
some Tim Holtz distress inks.

My second project is also my first altered journal.

I picked up this journal at Mike's with the intention of
using it in this hop somehow. I am quite a novice when it
comes to altering items. Maybe just a creature of habit, but
I finally stepped out of my comfort zone (again?!) and am
quite pleased with the outcome.

I cut out both Mercius and Grace images with my new
Heart nesties and colored them with Copics.
I added some Sizzix fluorishes. Some that I shaded
with pink SU inks for a bit of dimension.

I added more Copic and (dryed) alcohol soaked roses
in matching shades of pink. Popped on some
pearl sprays and a polymer clay heart that I had left over
from another project, added a compass and gear brad
to Mercius' side to give it a masculine element.

Plus some Stickles for that romantic sparkle.

I'll be listing this journal in my Etsy shoppe if anyone is
interested in purchasing it.

Thanks for sticking with me this long.
Next stop on the Steampunk hop is
the loverly, the talented,

Monday, February 21, 2011

HDH077 Doctor Death

"Doctor Death"
 the options were limitless this week!
I decided not to Google an image and use what I have
on hand for this challenge.

My first thought was a Kevorkian type of vibe, but
decided to go the cartoony, comical route instead.

I never seem to have a "Get Well" card on hand
when I need one so I thought this challenge was
a good opportunity to get at least one in my  stash.

The insane doctor image is from Hambo Stamps.
He is perfect for this challenge with his maniacal
laugh and the brain held high.
I used the airbrush thingy from SU! and attached
some red Copics for the blood splatter on his coat
and pants, and all the splatter inside the card too.

This two part sentiment is also from Hambo.
They have some of the funniest sayings ever. 
The IV bag is a rubber stamp from Stamp it Crazy.

The sexy nurse is an image from Bugaboo Stamps.
She is from the Sassy Gals line, and is nothing but
sass. LOVE her!

Please join us this week over at Haunted Design House
for this week's Macabre Monday challenge.
Let's see what kinds of horrors you can muster up
for this challenge. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Help for Katie

Cancer. Frightening word.
Both my Mother and my Mother-in-law are breast cancer survivors.
My Aunt and Uncle are both brain cancer survivors. Our family is
no stranger to cancer and the effect it has on all our lives in one way or another.

Many of you may know all about fellow crafter, Katie Renz's battle
with cancer, however if you don't please go here:
This is the second time that some very generous sponsors have
contributed to a special digital stamp pack full of beautiful images
to help raise money for Katie and help her fight her battle financially as well.
For a donation of $15 you will receive all of these images.

Betty at Simply Betty Stamps designed this image for Katie and the
special digi pack.

I made this card with my MIL in mind.
It's way outside of my crafting comfort zone with all the
bright cheery colors and pearl accents, but it's for a good cause.
And it only burned for a minute or so.

Katie has been so brave and is posting about her battle on her blog here.
If you would like to help and or donate please drop by  
Thank you!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spiders On Drugs

The funniest way to waste a minute and a half!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

SBC - Recycle! Reuse!

This week could not end fast enough! Too many things
to get accomplished and not enough time or energy to 
get most of it done!
I have managed to put a reeeeaaaallllyyy cool card
together for the challenge over at Simply Betty Challenges.
I guess the week wasn't a complete wash. 

I am in zombie hawg heaven this week 'cause I got
to play with the new, unreleased line at Simply Betty Stamps!! 

This is "Zombie Lola".
Is she not the sweetest little thing you have ever seen? 
I LURVE her!!!!
This line is not set for release until May 23rd, but there is rubber
as well as digis in the "Zombie Teens" future. 
They will all be worth the wait!!
So, I colored her with Copics and used a mottled technique to
get kind of a bruised and rotted effect.
It looks better IRL, but you get the gist. 

As for the challenge, I reused a sentiment I used earlier
this year (works way better on this card too!), I recycled
some diet Dr. Pepper can tabs and colored them with Copics,
and used them as leaves for my rolled fleur.
The larger Nestie is cut from a roll of vintage wallpaper that
I scored at a yard sale a few years back,
so that covers my destash as well.

Now for a quick question:
When using Copic markers to color small, detailed areas,
have you ever experienced massive ink drops?!
Right in the midst of your marvelously colored image?
It happened on this image while I was coloring her boot on the right.
I was adding the darker shadow color and then, BAM!
Huge plop of ink! This happened once before a long time
ago, but I thought it may have been that the pen was too juicy, too new.
Anyhoo, I am becoming a master at the art of image salvaging.
I tried to use the blender pen to remove the color, but the paper 
was too saturated, so I just fussy cut the image which removed
most of the offending color. Luckily, it dropped on her boot
which was going to be that color anyway.

Drop by Simply Betty Challenges and check out what the other
ladies have recycled and reused for their projects this week.     

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Etsy schtuff!!

Been busy "claying".

Drop by my Etsy shoppe
and check out my lovely, handcrafted baubles.  

Monday, February 14, 2011

HDH076 Love Bites

This week at Haunted Design House we have a sponsor!
Yay for sponsors!!
We are sponsored by Strange Skin which consists of
Pam and Jorge, a fabulously artistic duo, who create all kinds of
digital art and other unique goodies. 
They were so generous and offered each of us on the DT
a digital image from their shoppe to create with for
this week's Macabre Monday which is,
"Love Bites".

I received the heart image but I had to have the awesome
Werewolf image to go with it.

I used Liquid Applique for the drool, but I kept it flat and slick
looking instead of heating it, for fear of getting 
"a mouthful of toothpaste" look.
I also added Glossy Accents to the eyeball for some shine. 

I broke out with the MS drippy goo and iron fence punches to break
up the background papers and add some dimension.
I used a great digital paper from Crafty Chaos Designs 
"Creature Feature" line, and then I made my own paper
to go along with it.

I used this awesome set of "Splat!" stamps from Inkadinkadoo,
and I also destashed a bit by using cherry scented embossing powder 
given to me by my dear friend, MacKenzie. It worked out
fabulously for the blood splatters, while leaving a pleasant scent.

That's it for me today, but drop by Strange Skin and check out
their awesomely horrific digital images and other goods.
Don't forget to play along with us this week for our "Love Bites"
challenge and maybe win some cool new digis too!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I found her!

The image that I used for my Macabre Monday challenge
this week was drawn by an awesome artist named,
Mindy Lee
It took me some time to find her site, but you really should
check out her amazing artistic abilities at

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Rio!!!

Happy "Lucky 13" Birthday to you!

Rio is Betty's (from Simply Betty Stamps) daughter.
This is a special digi for Rio's 13th Birthday.
She is one awesome young lady who has acted so selflessly
and has given of her time and birthday money
to help the children of St. Jude's Hospital.
In return for her heartfelt gift to St. Jude's, she is receiving a
slew of cards made with her awesome "secret" image,
and well wishes for her big day from people all over who think
she deserves some special treatment too!

There is hope out there for some of us with teenagers.

Monday, February 7, 2011

HDH075 Flesh Eating Frenzy

This post is a tad tardy, as I was just too wiped out
last night to generate my own post before crashing.
Too much fun (and gin).

I would like to quickly add a warning that this post contains
some (gasp!) nudity.

I fell in love with this image while trolling for something
"flesh eating" on google images.
I first made the mistake of googling "flesh eating" and received
a nauseating array of horrific photos of e coli and other
flesh melting schtuff. Est no bueno!
Then I changed my search to line drawings and zombies and found this gem.
Unfortunately, I don't recall the artist (for shame), but she is amazing!!!
I even went back and spent a good 15 minutes this morning
 looking for this image again and I just can't find it.

Anyhoo! I think I found my next tattoo.
If not the entire picture than at least one of those creepy ass cupids.
This image is perfect for this challenge and Valentine's Day.
Two challenges, one grossly romantic image. 

I destashed with these black feathers and I even reused a
sheer ribbon rosette that I received on a package from Barb.
I just edged the rosette with some Stickles for some shine.

I love this card and will probably frame it or put it in a shadowbox.

Head on over to Haunted Design House
 and play along this week!  


Sunday, February 6, 2011

A bit of the Manor

My amazing Aunt Madelyne is the executor of my Grandparent's
estate (Marcom Manor), and it is her job, among many others, to dole out bits
of their belongings to the rest of the family as mementos. 
I had some certain items that I wanted more than anything else,
like the stuffed iguana playing the harp.

I have always been fascinated with the guy ever since I was a
wee tot. I am thrilled to have him in my home now.
I am collecting seasonal headgear for him for all of the holidays. 

This is an amazing painting of a werewolf, that used to hang in the
"blue bedroom" at my Grandparent's Victorian home in Texas.

This is a painting of my Grandmother, Gloria.
She used to have her own magic act that she performed from a coffin.
Her stage name was "Vampira" and this pose was from one of
her publicity stills.
I also recently received a box of books from my Grandparent's home.
My Grandparents liked to travel abroad and attend
magic conventions and tour castles and enjoy a pint or two.
They had quite a collection of books about the local yore from
Scotland and Ireland and England.
I also got quite a few Edward Gorey books
(that I didn't already have) including a copy of
"Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats" by T.S. Eliot with art by Edward Gorey.
This copy was given to my Grandma from my Grandpa
for Xmas 1987, when they returned from London
after seeing the stage production of "CATS", which is based on that book.
There is a sweet inscription and a drawing inside which is just priceless to me.  
I am so fortunate to have these things to cherish and admire in my own home.

And yet, I still find the need to add more schtuff to my ever growing
menagerie of oddities and collectibles.

Like this....  

After almost 25 years of being together, I have finally got
my husband conditioned and trained to scour out obscure items
at flea markets and thrift shops.
He has quite the eye for the odd - he found me didn't he?

This is my first inkwell. It is not however, my first cloven hoof item.
I also have a couple of cloven hoof/fore leg flasks from Mexico. 
They're cool, but this inkwell is the schiznit! I LOVE it! It is in excellent
condition and even has the quill
(is it still called a quill if it doesn't have feathers?)
or pen to got with it. The internal glass is intact and perfect! SCORE!

I wonder if my son with be half as thrilled when he inherits all of my 
bizarre crap.  

Friday, February 4, 2011

SBC #4 Valentine Birthday Color challenge

we are making Valentine Birthday cards with
a color challenge of black, turquoise, and pink.

This color combo totally reminds me of "Valley Girl" or 
"Pretty in Pink". Very 1980's. LOVE it!

I seem to be having a problem with my black hair coloring.
Maybe my pens are running out? They seem to gum up a bit
when I am trying to blend, and then the blender pen removes the
color in blotches, not smoothly. I'm just gonna blame it on the pens.

So I mounted the main image of Valentine Betty onto
scalloped circles and then used some destash of those
square brads. I also used some pink webbed ribbon and
rubbed glitter into the exposed adhesive. Fancy.

Join us this week at SBC.