Current Design Teams

Friday, February 4, 2011

SBC #4 Valentine Birthday Color challenge

we are making Valentine Birthday cards with
a color challenge of black, turquoise, and pink.

This color combo totally reminds me of "Valley Girl" or 
"Pretty in Pink". Very 1980's. LOVE it!

I seem to be having a problem with my black hair coloring.
Maybe my pens are running out? They seem to gum up a bit
when I am trying to blend, and then the blender pen removes the
color in blotches, not smoothly. I'm just gonna blame it on the pens.

So I mounted the main image of Valentine Betty onto
scalloped circles and then used some destash of those
square brads. I also used some pink webbed ribbon and
rubbed glitter into the exposed adhesive. Fancy.

Join us this week at SBC.


  1. very lush card the ribbon looks amazing with the little tiles, gorgeous layout n colouring x

  2. Hello there!
    I love your colour combination in this card and your striking design. Also your mauve batty bat card from earlier.
    I'm going to have to get some of those Octopode characters in your side bar and learn how to use digi designs...
    Hope you have a great week :-)

  3. That's funny,I experienced that with my pens as well..I refilled and was good to go..try that!!Although your coloring is still fabulous even with issues.Loving the web ribbon..perf card hun!!

  4. You're nuts! I thhink her hair looks fab and the whole card is absolutely ADORABLE! xxD


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