Current Design Teams

Friday, February 18, 2011

SBC - Recycle! Reuse!

This week could not end fast enough! Too many things
to get accomplished and not enough time or energy to 
get most of it done!
I have managed to put a reeeeaaaallllyyy cool card
together for the challenge over at Simply Betty Challenges.
I guess the week wasn't a complete wash. 

I am in zombie hawg heaven this week 'cause I got
to play with the new, unreleased line at Simply Betty Stamps!! 

This is "Zombie Lola".
Is she not the sweetest little thing you have ever seen? 
I LURVE her!!!!
This line is not set for release until May 23rd, but there is rubber
as well as digis in the "Zombie Teens" future. 
They will all be worth the wait!!
So, I colored her with Copics and used a mottled technique to
get kind of a bruised and rotted effect.
It looks better IRL, but you get the gist. 

As for the challenge, I reused a sentiment I used earlier
this year (works way better on this card too!), I recycled
some diet Dr. Pepper can tabs and colored them with Copics,
and used them as leaves for my rolled fleur.
The larger Nestie is cut from a roll of vintage wallpaper that
I scored at a yard sale a few years back,
so that covers my destash as well.

Now for a quick question:
When using Copic markers to color small, detailed areas,
have you ever experienced massive ink drops?!
Right in the midst of your marvelously colored image?
It happened on this image while I was coloring her boot on the right.
I was adding the darker shadow color and then, BAM!
Huge plop of ink! This happened once before a long time
ago, but I thought it may have been that the pen was too juicy, too new.
Anyhoo, I am becoming a master at the art of image salvaging.
I tried to use the blender pen to remove the color, but the paper 
was too saturated, so I just fussy cut the image which removed
most of the offending color. Luckily, it dropped on her boot
which was going to be that color anyway.

Drop by Simply Betty Challenges and check out what the other
ladies have recycled and reused for their projects this week.     


  1. Your cards are phenomenal and I just love this one. Everything about it, the can lids for leaves the rose the colouring... EVERYTHING x

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your card!!! The Dr. Pepper tabs are sooo cool. Wow May? That is so far away.

  3. Love the popcan tab embellie..... and that image..!!! Its the bomb!!!! You did a fab job on highlighting it!!!

  4. Too cute! and that sentiment has me ROTFLMAO! LOVE it! xxD

  5. bwahahahahahahaaaa! Reading your sentiment came verrrrrry close to resulting in a coffee bath for my laptop. Love this card so very much!

  6. this is to cool! I love the image! and the senti is perfect! and in regards to you comment on my blog and along the zombie lines, I totally agree about zombies they are the best kinda movies EVER! I can't wait for this set to come out I need more zombie images!

  7. I was SO ready to go get me a zombie teen to I'm sad. =( AMAZING card though. She can always live here if she needs a home..ha ha

  8. From now on I will be sending you an email every time I need a clever sentiment to go on a card. You have done a wonderful job with this. Great work.

  9. nice card
    i looked and looked at the stamp.....oeps,i read between the lines and its not ready for sale


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