Current Design Teams

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What's cooler than cool?

When one of your awesomely talented and creative friends
makes your Christmas gift!!
Yupper! That's what I'm talking about!!

One of my favoritest gals in the world
painted this gorgeous plate for me!!

Now when I opened it she wasn't present, so I had time to
ponder and look at it and wonder. I had no idea it was hand painted by her when I
first opened it, but as I stared at it I noticed the similarities
between the gorgeously painted lady and well, myself.

This was my face for Hallowe'en this year.

MacKenzie, you are an awesome artist and a creative genius,
but most importantly, you are a beautiful person and one
of the most thoughtful people I have ever known.
I truly cherish our friendship and I feel richer for having
you in my life.
Thank you for the most meaningful gift ever!!


  1. very cool present indeed, and I love that pic of you (very scary) x

  2. So sweet of her. What a thoughtful gift.


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