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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year's Eve!!!

Well, it's that time of year to start shredding old files and documents,
organizing and purging craft supplies, and like it or not, it's time for
my husband's (in)famous black eyed peas! He ends up eating them all himself
so it's not too bad, but the smell is a bit funky.

Anyhoo, this year is my husband's 40th birthday on the 25th of January.
I have this awesome image from Simply Betty's "Sweet Gothic World Kids" line
that I have been dying to use since I colored him up a while ago.

This is Alex. He is perfectly disgruntled.

Not sure where I saw this sentiment, but I thought it
was perfect for my husband, so I typeset it on computer. 

My husband can be rather, odoriferous at times, so this
little quip is beyond fitting for his aged ass.  

LOVE that scowl!!

So, I had a pretty prosperous Christmas.
 I got a new Cannon camera with 14.1 pixels (an upgrade from 6 pixels). I got some
new embossing folders and some new Nesties, plus a MS punch and some warm Hello Kitty slippers.
My husband and I came to an agreement a few years ago when I was very
upset by my lack of thoughtful gifts, that I would shop for myself from now on and just wrap the stuff and open it Xmas morning (well, actually, we changed that tradition this year) with everyone else.
This was my favorite gift this year (only 2nd to my new car!) .

I only have 2 other Living Dead Dolls.
I really don't care for dolls at all (thanks Grandma!), but I did fall for a
Series 5 LDD called "Siren" about 10 years ago and a mini LDD, but found them
a bit pricey to collect since I don't really like dolls anyway. 

And then she showed up....

Isn't she lovely?

The killer part about all of this is that I painted my face (unintentionally) very similar to hers
for Hallowe'en this year, and I really like the whole Dia de los Muertos theme so I HAD to have her. I was hoping she came with the mask too, but alas, it was just a tease.
I lOVE my new dolly!

On the 22nd of December, my '98 Accord gave up the ghost.
She barely made it for the trade-in at the dealership. I mean barely made it!!!!! 
So we went ahead and bit the bullet and got a new Civic. It's an '09, but it's new to us.
She came with her very own payment booklet too!
But now we can actually plan a few road trips to the coast and up to
Lake Tahoe for our 15th wedding anniversary in August.

We are looking forward to making big plans for 2011.

Happy New Year!!   


  1. Well, my dear, looks like Santa was very good to you! A new car! and that living dead doll is "to die for" LOL Gotta find me some of those! Obviously Santa wasn't paying attention. HeeHee! No, really Glo, so happy for you and am here wishing you a fabulous 2011! LOVE your b-day card for hubby! the odiferous remark cracked me up (especially since my DH and I were talking about the same thing yesterday. Get thee to a shower! YIKES!) don't party too hearty tonight! xxD

  2. Ha Ha Ha! That card is so funny! Perfect! :-)Traci

  3. Wahoot! Congrats on the new Civic! When you get to Tahoe you are only 4 hours away from Big Bear Lake, you could stop by! Hee hee. Of course we will be in your area before you are down this way! Looove that doll!

  4. YAY!!!! SO excited for you. Mmmmmm new car smell :-)

  5. Ooo I gotta have Calavera. I'll make room for her in the doll cabinet, if I can. Maybe I'll get a new cabinet...more dolls!! Lovely new car, and amazing card.

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