Current Design Teams

Monday, December 13, 2010

HDH069 Colorblind Christmas

Well, here we are. The last Macabre Monday challenge of the year.
I welcome the reprieve, but will miss seeing the awesome schtuff my
fellow Minions have created and concocted each week for your viewing and
inspirational pleasure.

Our final challenge for 2010 is

Colorblind Christmas

You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween-based Winter Holiday card WITHOUT using RED or GREEN...
Not even a teensie bit of it anywhere :)

Here is my card.
I kept far, far away from the 'off limits' red and green colors.
Can't go wrong with purple and shades of black

I hate it when I do this, but I can't remember where I got
this great little image! I do remember it was a free digi, but I didn't
save it under the company/artist name (Deb something?). What a dork.
If someone knows please leave a comment and let me know the info so I can
add it to the post. Thanks!
**Here is the link for this awesome free digi (thanks Barb!).**

Anyhoo, she is very cute in a weird Gothic sorta way. I wasn't sure if she was
coming or going once I saw her shoes were pointed in the other direction.
LOVE the little snowman behind her back. Very festive.

That's eeet keeds!
The Macabre Monday ride is shut down for the Holidaze! 
See ya next year with a fresh batch of challenges and maybe even a surprise or two!
You'll have to check in with us on January 3rd to find out what I am cryptically
trying to tell you! 


  1. this card is amazing, love that girl and the purple works so well, love the spiderweb bg x

  2. Wow she's super cute! Awesome coloring, as always. I hope you do remember or find out where you got this, because I want it! =)

  3. I love, love, love me a purple Christmas card and this one is perfect! Your colouring rocks! Happy Holidays to you and yours, as well, Gloria!

  4. Oh man this is super cute. I must say I am so disappointed that you don't know where she is from - LOL Boo Hoo. Great pick up. Now I am on a search.

  5. Thank you so much for the link back to my blog.:) I'm soooo glad that you remenberd me! LOL!
    The colors you've used on my little girl are unexpected one for me. But it is so FUN!
    Thank you again!;)


  6. Have a wonderful Holiday season... see you next year! :)

  7. OMG!!!! She is the cutest EVAH! Of course I went and snagged her! LOL Perfect colors for this adorable chickie LOVE it! xxD

  8. What a cute image and she was free? holy cow! I love how you color your stuff! so awesome!!!
    (and spooky!!!)

  9. Oh that digi image is uber cute and I really like your purple & black card. Looks FABULOUS!

  10. love your card!! the purples are great...


Feel free to comment or just vent.