Current Design Teams

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

GLITTER: The Herpes of the Craft World

It's nice to know it's not just me who is not feelin' the holiday this year.
Unfortunately, I don't have to go very far to commiserate with someone about
how "un-joyus" we are feeling. 
I have been immersed in the world of polyclay skulls and glitter lately.
My Etsy shoppe has been very busy this season, and I have been selling
out of my snowflake ornaments and my skull and cross bone ornys. Which is a good thing.
I have also had quite a few special requests for specific colored snowflakes too.
I received an order for 20 flakes, 2 each of 10 different colors. I had to special order the
flakes since Mike's stopped reordering their flakes for the season. I also bought a 1lb. bulk of rhinestones to cut down on the cost of those little suckers.

Well, I spent quite a bit of time glittering the flakes, then adding coordinating rhinestones, and finally, making and adding the color coordinated polymer skulls to the center of each flake.
Did I mention that these take some time to put together?
Well, long story short (too late), the lady totally flaked (pun intended) on me and
never submitted payment for these awesome (albeit labor intensive) ornaments!
So, I have spent the better part of this morning listing them in my Etsy shoppe!!!   
I am so proud of my "Peppermint Skully".

Why is it people don't take the time to let someone know they are no longer interested
in a product or want to cancel a special order? I totally understand that sometimes
the funds just aren't available when you need them, or sometimes you just change your mind. It seems as though common courtesy and consideration of other's time and energy is a distant memory.
At least I have some time to try and recoup some of my time and money on this
order before Christmas.
Drop by my shoppe (link is in the sidebar) and see the cool ornaments and schtuff I have for sale.


  1. OMG these are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the hell could someone flake on them??? i will check out your shop:)

  2. Ugh. How rude of that lady! She's missing out for sure, these ornaments are awesome! I might have to procure some to add to my collection of Creepy Glowbugg stuffs. Come humbug with me anytime, I'm not feelin it either. Let's get the word out ladies on these cool ornaments!!

  3. Love your skullflakes! It's really a pity that the lady backed out. Your ornaments would fit perfectly in my Cristmas tree (revisited), but I'm afraid they wouldn't reach Belgium in time for Christmas and chances are they would survive the trip either.

  4. Sorry to hear that! Not cool!

    But lucky for me :) I got one for myself and one for a friend...a friend that like pink glittery things.....I know not very Halloween of her but I love her anyway. :D


  5. LOVE the ornament and totally agree about the Glitter, LOL!!

  6. OH man oh man that would piss me off!! WTH is wrong with people? Oi vey!! But OMG these are fan-freakin-tastik Glow!! You did an awesome job on them!!

  7. It's a shame that people will do that.... I know where you are coming from. I avoid it at all costs. I paint murals and request a 50% down first because part of my time is already spent before the painting begins... the sketching, gathering supplies, etc...
    Good lucl with selling them. They are too adorable.

  8. that is just plain rude to not pay for an order you specially requested argh don't make me mad!!! hopefully if we all spread the word many many many people will get to see your most amazing ornaments x

  9. Oh my heavens! That is totally unacceptable behavior. Your work is beautiful and I love Peppermint Skully! Hugs - hope you have a beautiful Christmas, despite the bumps in the road. ~ky


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