Current Design Teams

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Oh, Alice! CH.29 What makes You Shine or Sparkle?

That's right!
I am a DT newbie on the fantastical Alice in Wonderland inspired challenge blog,
"Oh Alice!".

I was floored when Jessica asked me to be a part of this awesome team of hers.
I kinda feel as though I "owe" Jessica a little bit for my blogging and challenge card making.
Ya see, a little over 2 years ago I received an email from my friend MacKenzie, showing me this card with an incredible altered TGF Ian image that turned him into the guys from The Ramones. That card was the beginning of my stalking Traci aka "Wicked Pixie" (she's awesome!), and I was inspired enough to enter TGF's "Rock Out Ian and Anya challenge.
I needed to create a blog to enter (or so I thought), so I did, and I made a really cute Alice Cooper, "Welcome to my Nightmare" Ian, complete with hand drawn boa constrictor.
Well, I won the contest and have kept some sort of contact with Jessica ever since.
By winning that contest, the first contest I ever entered in blog land, I had the confidence to forge forward into what I now consider to be a full blown addiction and creatively enriching way of being.
I owe a huge thank you to MacKenzie, Traci, and Jessica for (unbeknown to them) getting me started on this exciting path.

Now, that being said, here is my slightly less than spectacular debut DT card for Oh, Alice!
`Why, what are YOUR shoes done with?' said the Gryphon. `I mean, what makes them so shiny?'

Alice looked down at them, and considered a little before she gave her answer. `They're done with blacking, I believe.'

`Boots and shoes under the sea,' the Gryphon went on in a deep voice, `are done with a whiting. Now you know.'

`And what are they made of?' Alice asked in a tone of great curiosity.

`Soles and eels, of course,' the Gryphon replied rather impatiently: `any shrimp could have told you that.'

`If I'd been the whiting,' said Alice, whose thoughts were still running on the song, `I'd have said to the porpoise, "Keep back, please: we don't want YOU with us!"'

`They were obliged to have him with them,' the Mock Turtle said: `no wise fish would go anywhere without a porpoise.'

`Wouldn't it really?' said Alice in a tone of great surprise.
Now this card did not turn out at all like I had envisioned, or in the end, had hoped.
My son's name is Gryphon, so I have quite a few Gryphon stamps, and statues, and stuff, and figured this was going to be a real no brain-er.
Make it sparkle and shine, and use a Gryphon. Not so hard right?
So very wrong! Not sure if it's newbie jitters or what, but this card is not my best work.
It is sparkly though.

This week's sponsor of the Oh, Alice! challenge is Sparkle Creations.
The images over at her site are adorable and I want some! She is generously offering a $20 store credit to one lucky random winner. Not to mention a coupon code for all that enter this week's challenge (drop by the Oh, Alice! blog for more details).   
Just show us what makes you SPARKLE or SHINE.
Remember , you have until FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 10th at 8pm CST to enter this contest! Winner will be posted on Saturday 9/11's post and good luck to all who enter!


  1. I still totally LOVE that Alice card!
    I think you are being WAY too hard on yourself - this card is beautiful, just in a completely different style that your usual cards! I love your usual work, too! :-)Traci

  2. I LOVE the gryphon! So cool that you used a real Alice illustration. The embossed background with that corner punch looks so cool. It may not be your usual style but it really works! Welcome to the team!

  3. are you mad woman, this card looks amazing so elegant and cool and your hand drawn boa constrictor looks fabby, well done on another DT spot geesh you are in demand way to go little glo creepy bug xx

  4. Oh you are in so much trouble for not loving your creepy Gryphon card... whack! Pay ATTENTION Alice! Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. Ok - so I'm sure Alice would have loved the Cat in the Hat...and I love this card!

    Welcome to our warped Wonderland. It's nice to have another uniquely sane person on the team!

  5. I think it turned out very cool. Deceptively simple, yet elegant. =)

  6. Not only do I LOVE your card (I mean, c'mon, a sparkly Gryphon not being hard to pull off? Are you kidding? YOU ROCKED THIS!), I also love this post-you really made me SMILE. I didn't know some of that and you really did my little heart good while reading this. All I can say is that I am SO SO glad you started blogging because your work is so original and fun I am always excited to come by and see what's next! A VERY happy welcome to the team, Gloria-I'm very thrilled to be working with you and very humbled by this post :) Hugs and congrats...and again, YOU ROCKED your 1st Oh, Alice challenge!

  7. Your Gryphon card is stunning! So much sparkle and glitz! I love it :)
    Welcome to the team!
    hugs, margie

  8. HEY! CONGRATS TO YOU! I kinda loved your first card until I kept reading how badly you seemed to have screwed up then I I missing something? Cuz I really thought this was cool!!

  9. Your card IS awesome! So glad to have you with us and showcasing your wonderful talent. You are not allowed to be too critical of your creations here or we will send the Queen of Hearts to visit and you know what she likes to say...Don't think you want to loose your head anytime soon! Lol!!

  10. Well I can't wait to see your best if this isn't it. Great card sweetie & welcome to the team. Can't wait to get to know you better

  11. yay! Lovely post and GORGEOUS sparkly Gryphon card! I LOVE it! You totally rocked the first Oh, Alice DT card! So glad to be on the twisted team with you!

  12. This is a Amazing card. I love the corner punch and that embossed background DP is just Awesome. Look forward to working you on OA!

  13. Cool DT creations, Awesome Gryphon!

    Hugs, Marjo

  14. girl---why wouldn't she want you on the're AWESOME!!!! And your Alice Cooper, now that's beyond FABO!!!! I soo loved Alice Cooper back in the day....your little hand drawn snake is too Miss Betty mentioned about your kitty, you should make this into a'd be great as an accessory to anyone's your first card to...



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