Current Design Teams

Monday, September 6, 2010

HDH055 Elegantly Evil

I don't know what is going on with me lately, but I just can't seem to get my creative groove flowing. I have managed to keep a small trickle going but this is starting to get 
ridiculous! I have way too much schtuff to do!!!!
The challenge for this week's Macabre Monday is "Elegantly Evil".
I toiled and fussed and finally just went with a photo as my focal point.
I went through at least 50 pics before I settled on this one.
His name is Gary and he lives in my front yard.
I felt that Gary personified the whole evil elegance idea, although gargoyles weren't 
ever evil, but rather they protected against it. For the sake of this card, let's say Gary is evil. 
I bought a bag of feathers the other day and felt this was an appropriate use for them.
I embossed some blood drips, which now resemble cow spots to me for some reason.
I do like the feathers though.

Please join us over at The Haunted Design House for this week's Macabre Monday challenge.
I'm gonna go try and locate my mojo. I hope the zombies didn't get a hold of it..... 


  1. the blood spots are brilliant they do add to the evil element, he looks amazing I love gargoyles and the feather is fantastic it all looks superb no need to locate your mojo it never left x

  2. Well Gary is quite fab Glo, and so is the feather. Had to crack up about the red cow spots, though. Looked like blood to me until you mentioned it. LOL xxD

  3. Your mojo? Missing? You gotta be kidding, right? This is fab, but you know what I love most about it? The fact that you've named your gargoyles and this is truly a tribute to Elegantly Evil Gary! :D

  4.'re to funny...and he is it girlie!!!!



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