Current Design Teams

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Macabre Monday #36 - Music Mayhem

I had so much fun with the latest challenge from HDH's Macabre Monday.
My first thought was to make a "Living Dead Girl" card, but someone beat me to it.
So, I decided to dig around in my "vault of the obscure", also known as my brain,
and I came up with this little gem from Alice Cooper.
I give you, "COLD ETHYL"....
Alice Cooper has been my all-time favorite artist since I was a wee lass back in the 80's (late 70's), and I thought his songs may be original enough to make a cool card.
I had a ton of weird and dark songs to choose from (Billion Dollar Babies, I love the Dead, Welcome to my Nightmare, to name a few), but I settled on "Cold Ethyl".
I like the look of 'Karin' with her ice blue skin tone.  
I drew an ice cube for her to stand on, giving her a real ice queen look.
I'll spare you the rest of the lyrics, but I will say that I neither condemn, nor condone necrophilia.


  1. LOL you creep! Love this! It SOO represents the song! +_+

  2. Super cool card. I am freezing only by looking at it. Uhh, I can't feel my toes any more ...
    Super cool.

  3. This is GREAT! Can't wait 'til I get Karen. That smile is so creepy and I love her in blue! Great cube, too! xxD

  4. great imagery, love the card - Cooper is 1 of my favs as well

  5. Thank goodness she is on ice 'cause that girl is stinking... and I mean that in the best way possible!!! LOL this is a great entry!! Oz

  6. Haha!! Living dead girl here, I couldn't decide on Cold Ethyl or Living dead girl, me and my daughter went to the concert with both gruesomes :-) and Alice sang this song to perfection... needless to say I LOVE your card!! It brought a huge smile to my face, and I am now finishing the lyrics in my head! :-)

  7. HAHAHA! Cool card! I love it! :-)Traci

  8. Great creepy card! I love Alice Cooper!!! he is one of my faves too.

  9. I'm so happy you closed with that little disclaimer ;) LOL Another FABULOUS card with awesome coloring... And I'm with Donna... I can't wait to get Karen. Thanks so much for playing along with Macabre Monday!

  10. This is fantastic! I was listening to Wecome To My Nightmare just the other day and was considering using Only Women Bleed if I had found time to enter the challenge! Then my crazy brain got wrapped around a Carpenter's song instead. I know...2 completely opposite directions...LOL! Makes no never mind...I didn't get a chance to make a card, anyway :(

    Love Karen in blue! The ice block was a stroke of genius! Perfectly executed;D

  11. Yet another reason to continue to bow at your feet!!! Friggin LOVE IT!

    XO Curse


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