Current Design Teams

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Bruise Brothers

Here is my latest creation using another one of my Torrente images.
This card is for the fabulously gruesome, "Ode to the Bruise" Macabre Monday challenge at Haunted Design House,
and the first challenge from The Burtonesque Dolls, to use stripes.
Barb at HDH, challenged us to use 'bruise colors' like,
black, purple, yellow, and teal(?).
Done, done, and done!
I really wasn't feeling the teal until I happened upon this perfect shade of
I shredded up the ends a bit to keep it creepy.
I used some striped vintage paper I found at a yard sale years ago. It came in a huge roll and I also got a roll of the most wickedly delicious red, flocked, whore house-type/boudoir, haunted mansion, wallpaper. Can't wait to use that!
Anyhoo, the striped paper is really old, but it is so cool and it also has a really neat texture to it.
I'm pretty sure it's not acid free, but then again neither am I. 


  1. This is AWESOME! Your coloring is really amazing and I LOVE the way you think! beautiful shading around the circle, too-Wow!

  2. LOVE this! The title alone makes me smile :) Once again, fantastic coloring and I love the paper (can't wait to use it!)... and the acid free comment made me LOL ;) Thanks so much for playing along with Macabre Monday!

  3. I love the image and colours! I feel like I'm looking into something to see those scary 3 somethings! I did Macabre Monday too:) Thanks for joining our first Challenge over at The Burtonesque Dolls! Your style fits right in;)

  4. Love the bros! The coloring is dead on and I love the mutilated ends of the ribbon! Fantastic job on the challenge!

  5. Wow, those colors really jump at you. Gorgeous. Love what you did to the ribbon. Hahaha, love the name.

  6. Amazing coloring job! Great card! SOooo Burton! Thanks for playing along with us for our 1st challenge at The Burtonesque Dolls!


  7. This is fab and you're a hoot! Love this! I just got this stamp, WooHoo! xxD

  8. PERFECT! I LOVE the way you colored this! Bruise Brothers, LOL! FABULOUS!!!

  9. This is one of my absolute favorite Stampotique images! Love that you showcased them in these fabulous jewel tone colors! The result is stunning!

  10. OMG.. this is amazing. Thanks for joining the dolls in our first challenge. hugs xo Jackie

  11. Fab card! Love how you distressed the end of the ribbon too

  12. Wowzers this is awesome, love your take on the colour challenge, and that stripe paper is the perfect backdrop for you creepily gorgeous image.

    Thank you so much for joining us at Burtonesque Dolls:)

  13. This is fantastic! I love your coloring and that striped paper! I can't wait to see that other paper used, either - it sounds wonderful! :-)Traci

  14. CONGRATS!!! on winning the Gruesome Twosome sith the Bruise Bros. Great Job!

  15. OMGosh...this is just sooo freakin slendor!!!! I am totally lovin this card!!! Thanks for joining us at the Burtonesque dolls blog....


  16. Great card! Almost looks like all the bruises that I am carring with me. I wish they would also have those funny guys - not only the colours. Would be much more fun.

  17. I love the colors and the blending!!! SO COOL!


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