Current Design Teams

Friday, April 23, 2010

Potty Humor

Every Thursday, over at Hambo's Talk to the Ham blog, they have what is known as a "One and Done" auction.
Tim draws a one of a kind image that they auction off throughout the day.
At 10PM CST, they close the bidding, and the high bidder comes away with a fabulous image all to themselves.
This was last week's image.
I took one look at this little guy and dropped a ridiculous bid right off the bat.
I talked some serious smack and scared everyone away! Ha!
I told everyone he would be mine.
Is this the best sentiment in the world for this image or what?!
I am sure this was not it's intended purpose, but man, that's funny.
I had the most fun coming up with the actual "turd-like" texture for the poo ball.
After trial and error with bronze glitter, and brown flocking, I had the bright idea to use Liquid Applique for just the right, chunky, texture.
I only have white LA, so I used my trusty Copics to add the right shades of brown to the perfectly textured ball.   
You can't get this image from Hambo, but stop by next Thursday and bid on your own, one of a kind image. The sentiment is available though, along with tons of other great rubber and digi images. Plus they are carrying the May Arts ribbons now, and even offer a ribbon sampler for those of you indecisive folks. 


  1. I swear, "WTF" was the first thing that popped into my head after composing myself from my fit of laughter over this :) I can honestly say that you are the BEST poo colorer EVER ;)

  2. You're one sick puppy! Great card, but sick, nonetheless. LOL I've got to say, the poo looks realistic. I hope the card doesn't have smell-o-vision!

  3. Wow! That turd looks good enough to eat......if I was a beetle of course :-)

  4. That dung turned out perfectly realistic looking! Not too shitty at all!! Great card.

  5. Why does you making a turd card not surprise me? Love it.


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