Current Design Teams

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Manatee, Manatoo

I know I have mentioned in the past that I am not going into my forties with my head held high, but rather with my head in the sand.
Just pretend it's not happening, and it will go away.
I know that really doesn't work, but sometimes it's the only way I can cope in the moment.

Which brings me to my card for Hambo stamps.
I have used their manatee image (who doesn't need a manatee stamp?!) and
paired it with a cute little quip about wrinkles and being gray.
Who the hell thought it was a good idea to sell 10X magnifying mirrors to women over 35?!

I digress,....
Here, I have used these purty fleurs that I found on clearance at Mike's.
$2.99 for a Calypso tin of Primas! Really?! I'll take two!
I used the great May Arts ribbon that I also got from Hambo, as a leaf accent for
my purty fleurs.

Cute card.
Nice and spring-like.
Now, where is that sun?!@


  1. I really like your flower embellishment with the ribbon - very clever.

  2. LOL... this totally made me giggle :) Great card, fab sentiment... and SUCH a purty fleur ;)

  3. Really cute Gloria! 40? You'll still just a young 'un! :)

  4. Terrific card, Gloria! Dare I even say 'sweet'?


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