Current Design Teams

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Teen Angst Macabre Monday Challenge

Ahhh, to be a teenager again,... um, no thanks!
It was hard enough the first time around. And back when I was in high school (mid 80's), the girls weren't so hung up on name brand bags and hair extensions.
I wanted some Jordache jeans ($30 that my mother refused to spend on a single pair of pants), a pair of high-top Vans (which I bought for myself $45), and a Sex Wax shirt ($18 at Coach House Gifts).
Now it's purses that cost hundreds of dollars, and designer glasses, and fancy cellphones.
Nope, once around the teenager block was enough for me.
This is, "Bowtie". One of the fabulous images from the uber talented, Daniel Torrente.
I thought he was a bit morose, and embodied the whole 'teen angst' vibe.
I came up with the verbiage after I colored him and thought he was just screaming for some attention in that get up. 

I've got another submission, but I'll save her for tomorrow.
I'm up to eight Torrente images now.
Anyone wanna swap?  


  1. He is PERFECT!! Love the colors and that great textured background :) I'd love to swap, but I haven't picked up any new ones :( Maybe soon, though! Thanks so much for playing along with Macabre Monday!

  2. Wow, You did a great job on this one! Very Creative!

  3. Looks great; love your 'verbage'! Can I interest you in swapping for some Bombshells?

  4. Would love to swap. I send you a teen you send me all your stamps. Ok? No? how about a cat?


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