Current Design Teams

Monday, March 1, 2010

Holy Cow!

Here is my entry in the cow challenge this week, over at Stampitcrazy.
I have had both of these SU sets for quite a while, and this is the first time that I have
used either stamp.
Pretty cute. I wanted to make a masculine card, but I just couldn't decide on a color scheme.The pink and brown just kinda happened on it's own accord.

Check out the weekly challenges over at Stampitcrazy - there's free rubber in it for the winners! 


  1. I think you did a great job, and I had to laugh out loud, with the Milk it...I like it!

  2. Ha ha, that is so funny! Awesome card.

  3. Freakin' cute! LOVE the sentiment and the shimmer :)

  4. It sucks to live alone when you are sick, no body to whine too, no one to fetch what you just whined about...

    cute card.

  5. Eggsellent - oh wait that would be for a chicken! How about MOOOOOtiful!


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