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Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Snowman from Hellgnome

I don't know about you, but that title sounds like a great
Christmas movie. 
And by great, I mean watchable since I will watch damn near
any scary movie that is on TV. Case in point, I just sat through
2 1/2 hours of 'The House That Jack Built', starring Matt Dillon as a serial killer.
BORING! There were a few scenes worth watching (see taxidermy scene), but
overall a total snooze fest. Then there's 'Mandy", starring Nicolas Cage. 
I was left thinking and audibly asking, "WTF did I just watch?".
Makes me give 'The Nun' another star. 
Which brings that total up to three stars now.

Okay, back to my card...

Doesn't this just make you all warm and fuzzy inside?
No? Just me then. 

I began my creative foray by coloring this killer Horned Snowman
I used Copic markers for my coloring of the snowman.
I just can't seem to use anything else to color with these days.
My Zigs are missing me...

I took some designer paper that resembles wooden planks,
and used some Dylusions sprays in Cherry Pie and Post Box Red for 
blood splatter. This guy looks kind of messy, so I splattered him as well.  

I used a die cut from the same paper pad and splattered that with
Dylusions sprays also. These reds are perfect for blood splatter.
Just sayin'... 

I popped everything onto some black card stock using foam tape
on the snowman and his festive sign.
I managed to find some still intact Xmas candy to use as props
for my photo shoot. I like it.

Thanks for popping by today.

Hope everyone had a magnificent Creepmas!!  
And all the best for 2019!!  


  1. Eeeee - this is just AWESOME !!!! :-D
    I think I'll dodge those films then hahahaha

    Happy New Year
    IKE x

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  2. This one is really cool. I love blood splatter :3 I haven't watched many horror films this year. I've been disappointed so many times that I just can't quite see spending the time to watch them anymore. Which for me is really sad. They all seem to be focused on cheap scares and lose the story line somewhere in between. Have a Hair-Raising New Year!


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