Current Design Teams

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Aurora Wings for all the mothers!!

It has been a long time since I have created using Aurora Wings images.
Far too long, but life really gets in the way of creative time if you let it.
But now that I have cracked the door on my pent up mojo, the flow of 
creativity is starting to pour out. 

I've been wanting to join in on some challenges, and was inspired by the 
current challenge AW theme of black, white, and a splash of (optional)color.
I decided to make all five of my Mother's Day cards using Aurora Wings 
images in this theme.

First up is the adorable Jasmine Sprite.
With so many cards to make, I decided to crop the images, which
also helps to create more visual impact on the smaller cards. 
Plus, it doesn't take as long to color the images.  

I kept it pretty simple with Copic coloring, some coordinating background paper,
and a big fancy ribbon. Added some Stickles for some sparkle, too.

I did make five cards to give away, but this one was one of my favorites,
so I held onto it. Good thing too, since it was the ONLY Mother's day 
card I received. Don't even get me started...

I'll be back tomorrow with another Mother's Day card.

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:


  1. Gorgeous beyond belief! Simple but I love the cropping to showcase your fabulous coloring. And that BOW! SWOON! So happy to see you join in. Miss you so much at Aurora Wings! Luv ya! xxD

  2. Such a lovely card. A sweet image! Thank you so much for sharing at Lemon Shortbread Challenge.

  3. Love the shades of green here, Glo! What a gorgeous coloring on a cropped Jasmine Sprite! I'm with Donna on that bow!! Everything looks fantastic, and definitely has the "Signature Glo" look, which I've missed so much! Great to have you join the challenge at AWCB. Mitzi xx

  4. Love the layout and that bow.... sigh... and your coloring is just stunning. Thx a lot for joining us at Aurora Wings challenge #66. Hugz Dt Ann-Marie

  5. A beautiful creation, many thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations challenges.

    B x

  6. A beautiful card in lovely colours, design and a fantastic bow! Stunning! Thanks for joining our challenge at Addicted to Stamps. Marlies

  7. What a lovely image and card. I like the black, white and touch of color inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing it with us at Tuesday Throwdown Challenges for our Crop Your Image challenge!

  8. Great Card!!!!
    Thanks for joining us at Corrosive Challenge blog
    Ana Isabel DT Coordinator

  9. It's very beautiful and i love your big bow.
    Thanks for joining us at Addicted to Stamps.
    Greetings, Danoesja


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