Current Design Teams

Friday, May 25, 2018

Always ODD

I managed to find my way back to my blog!
And I made some cool schtuff, too!

I've been dying to play along in some swaps and challenges.
I miss participating in themed challenges. I find the prompts so helpful
when I don't know which way to go when crafting.

I finally played along with one of my favorite challenges at
The theme this month is 
Goblins, Fairies, and Ghouls, Oh My! 

I love Lizzy's artistic take on fairies and zombies.
She has such a cute and adorable way of drawing weird shit.
I love it. 
This little rotting lass is called, Fiona Feary

I matched her up with a fun sentiment stamp from 
Viva Las Vegas stamps.

I'm always trying to use up paper scraps and projects left for dead.
This card base has been in a stack for months if not years.
I know, kinda gross that I have schtuff lying around for years, but
in my defense, it was chaotically organized and I always knew of it's presence.    

I added some die cut elements that were in keeping with her
color scheme. I love me some BG and BV Copic markers.

 Kept it really simple by cutting a black doilie in half,
and then cutting one of the halves in half. I layered it all
and glued them in three spots for a nice background.
My new thing is Nuvo drops. I just wish they dried faster.
I added a bunch for that sparkle element that I can't seem to
ever leave out of any fairy project. Dead or not, she's gotta have bling.  

I's like to enter this fairy card in the following challenges:


  1. As usual the colouring is just top notch. x

  2. Wonderful make! Thanks for joining us for Oddball Stamps Blog Challenge.
    Angie DT

  3. Fabulous card and colors, I love the black doilies. Thanks so much for joining us at Cardz 4 Galz!
    Tammy x

  4. This is brilliant! Thank you for joining us at Cardz 4 Galz. Sian.

  5. Creepy Glowbugg this is fantastic, I love how you have coloured Fiona, thank you for joining us at Oddball Challenge and good luck. Gail DT

  6. Beautiful image and fabulous card!Thank you for sharing with us at the Crafty Gals Corner!Hope you join us again soon!
    Kleri DT (My blog)

  7. I love these! Yes, she definitely needs bling. Thanks so much for sharing your Mythical / Fantasy card with us at Cardz 4 Galz! - Chris, DT


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