Current Design Teams

Saturday, January 6, 2018

New year, new art

Well, well, well, 
look who's dusted off her keyboard and is posting
in 2018!
I haven't been able to create much over the last year, but
I made it a priority (of sorts) to create some card art when
my brother from another mother, Mark Gould told me he
had launched a set of stamps over at Chocolate Baroque.
And not just any stamps, but some really lovely art
that is reminiscent of tattoo line art with a Steampunk flair.

First up is a card I made for my father's 70th birthday,
using "The Gent", image.  
I love how you can really make the image for any man,
of any age, just by adjusting your color palette.

Since my father is now 70, I used distinguished grays to 
 color his hair and beard. I have to say this gentleman does have
more on top than my dad, but he still enjoyed the card and
the similarities.

This gorgeous lady is called,
I am pretty chuffed with how this card turned out. 
Not too bad for a dusty, old chick.
Me, not Gypsy Rose.

The size of these stamps allows you the freedom to get really
nice blends and should be a dream to color in any medium.
I chose my papers out of my coveted Graphic 45 stash of
Rare Oddities, and let them dictate my Copic coloring palette.

There are two more stamps in Mark's current line, so be sure to pop
by Chocolate Baroque and check them out. They are currently on sale,
and you get even more bang for your buck if you buy all four stamps.
You're welcome.
And do yourself one more favor and pop by Marks's blog, or follow him
on face book to see all the cool schtuff this guy's doing. He's all over the
place teaching, and creating. Quite a talented chap.
Again, you're welcome. 


  1. Thanks so much Glo. They look amazing. X

  2. Glad to see you posting again! When the email comes to say you've posted, I get all excited to see what new awesomeness you've created. Someday, I hope to return to my creative space as well. Thanks for introducing me to Mark's Blog. There is some really awesome stuff there too. I hope you have a dreadfully fantastic 2018.

  3. Hey, been missing you BIG TIME! Happy to see you crafting and will you look at that, Mark sure is making his mark! Fabulous stamps (wish they were digis). Great coloring and design, as always. (Hey, it pains me that your Dad is the same age at my hubby.) New year, new DECADE for them! Eiyiyi! xxD


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