Current Design Teams

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

SDC271 - Bling it On!!

Here is my make for the current challenge at 
The theme is 'Bling it On!'
I didn't think it was going to be too hard, but found myself
struggling to add bling to my original idea. 

This is #6049 'Marci'. She is quite awesome.
I coupled her up with the #3083 'Brolly' stamp, and a fitting saying
The whole card kind of reminds me of Wednesday Addams taking a stroll in the
pale moonlight with her parasol and bat friends. 

I used a background I made using Lindy's Stamp Gang sprays.
I love the sprays, along with the line of Magicals and their embossing powders.
The bling consists mainly of silver Stickles and some Gelli Roll stardust pen.

Super fun to make and perfect for the Goth or Darkling of your choice.

Thanks for stopping by.
Check out the other DT samples and inspiration at 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Word Up Weekend with Stampotique

I used to think I didn't need sentiment stamps.
I thought I could always just print out any sentiment I wanted
from my computer, and for free. Well, that is true, but what a PIA
to print out a simple sentiment, choose a font, point size, etc.. and then try to 
fill up an entire sheet of paper of them so as not to waste paper.
I have come to my senses and have amassed quite the sentiment stamp collection.
Stampotique has some amazing sentiments and quotes in their shop.
TONS of them, in fact.

I made this card using a couple of the newer releases from this year.
And had a play with some of those cool Distress Oxide inks, too.
I began by stamping the Script Background stamp onto kraft card stock using
Versamark ink and then clear embossing it.  
I used some Oxide inks along the edges, and flicked some water on it to get a reaction.
I still need to practice more, but I do like the matte chalky feel to these inks.

I love this Communitree stamp!!
At first, I didn't realize it was a tree, but once I did, I fell in love
with this stamp.  

I used some of the Daniel's Hearts hearts to drive home the message of love.
I get so much use out of this one heart background stamp.
And lastly, but not leastly (lol), is the lovely sentiment stamp,
       A Heart, which is a quote from Oz.
I think all of these stamps work brilliantly together, as well as great stand
alone stamps for any project.

I hope I've inspired you to expand your sentiment stamp collection.
So handy, convenient, and perfect for nearly all my stamped projects.
Stop by Stampotique and check out all they have to offer, but be sure to
take a look at their incredible assortment of words, phrases, letters, and

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Stampotique and Lindy's Stamp Gang collaboration

One of the many perks to being on the Stampotique design team
is the possibility of collaborative opportunities with other fabulous
art and crafting companies. Today is just such an opportunity.

Stampotique has joined forces with Lindy's Stamp Gang, who was
super generous and supplied us with some very awesome products
to couple with our Stampotique stamps.

Fabulous array of colors and new products I've never tried before.
Since the selection consisted of the colors in the new color challenge at
Lindy's blog, I decided to play along.

I began by using Lindy's sprays on my craft mat, and then smooshing some 
watercolor paper through it. I really like the effect. Usually, I use too much
of the sprays and they blend together too much. I like how much white is still
showing.  And it is key to dry between colors so they don't turn to mud on you.  

I colored him with Copics using the "no-lines" technique and used
colors that were similar to the challenge.
I used a Sharpie paint pen to add the white highlights.

I chose the #8921 A Friend's Touch quote stamp, and used the 
supplied Lindy's embossing powder to add a little iridescent frame around
the quote. It has a beautiful pearlized sheen to it. I can see me using
this quite a bit in my future makes.

Be sure to stop by Lindy's blog to see all the eye candy and wonderful
inspiration being offered there!