Current Design Teams

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

SDC265: Favorite Stamp

Getting back into the swing of things, I have another DT offering for you. 
This time, it's for the new challenge at Stampotique Designer's Challenge.
The new theme is to create a project using your favorite Stampotique stamp.

Now asking me to choose my very favorite stamp from Stampotique
 is like asking me to choose a favorite child or pet. It is virtually impossible
to choose just one. I used four Stampotique stamps for this project.

I began with an all-time favorite Torrente girl, Perl #6071.
Perl is awesome enough all by herself, but I added another
favorite stamp, the Bat Like Wings #6131 to make her even more
sinister and devilish. These wings have that effect on nearly everyone... 

After fussy cutting Perl and her wings, I glued them to her and 
mounted her onto a background I made using Color Burst powders. 

I also used the great Altered Curiosities #7244, but broke it up
to fit the background. I outlined it with a white pen to help it
show up a bit better.
Lastly, I used the Circled Circle #10038 image with white embossing powder
on a black card base. I also splattered various Lindy's sprays and white Dylusions 
to add more interest to the base layer.

Such a fun project!
Hope you're  inspired to play along, or at leat drop by the 
Stampotique Designer's Challenge blog to see all the magnificent
eye candy/inspiration.    

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