Current Design Teams

Monday, October 3, 2016

Useless Trinkets Halloween Hop

EDIT: My apologies to my Hop mates and to those of you
trying to hop along in order on Saturday. I didn't get my post
auto posted properly and ended up being the weakest link in this hop.
I hate it when that happens... 

It's that time of year again, when the amazingly talented 
Jessa of Useless Trinkets fame generously shares her art with the 
masses for the incredibly low price of ....FREE.
Yes, you read that right, she gives her art away for free.
Because she's cool like that. 

I was inspired by the gathering of multiple new monsters
and my dear DT mate Arwen, to try my hand at making jewelry.
I began with some shrink plastic that I taped to a sheet of printer paper
and printed the new kids in fairly large sizes. Maybe 3 inches high, or so.

I used Copics to color everyone on the rough side of the plastic.
I trimmed all the monsters and bats out, punched the holes for the findings,
and then used a heat gun to shrink them down to size. I added some white gel
pen as highlights for more interest.

I added the charms to a ready made charm bracelet a few links apart
to give everyone space to shine individually.  

Some of the highlights worked out better than others...

I added some silver charms and glass beads to the bracelet
to fancy it up some. And to make it look fuller and prettier. 

I may be wearing this to work next week.

Be sure to hop along to all of the blogs and see what 
fun and creative projects everyone has cooked up with the new
freebies. And don't forget to grab your very own freebies, too!



  1. This is a really cool piece! Very unique. Thanks for sharing.

  2. These are such cute characters and what a great way to keep them with you through the day. Love it!

  3. This is freaking amazing. What a cool bracelet. As always colouring is nothing short of spectacular. xx


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