Current Design Teams

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Far Out, Man!!

Here it is, nearly Halloween and I have a totally NOT
Halloween themed project for you today.
Since I went back to work after being a housewife for the last
8 years, I have been really slacking on creativity and my mojo
has gone into hiding. I'm so worn out at the end of the day that
I'm usually in bed by 9 PM. I used to stay up all hours of the night
making fantastical things...
I digress.

This tag is for the current theme at Stampotique Designer's Challenge,
"Outer Space".

I kind of struggled with this theme, as I'm not a really
space-y type of chick. BUT, I did want to try my hand
at a galaxy background. 

I created the background using various spray inks like
Tim Holtz and Lindy's. I used the TH distress spray
in black soot to give the tag a base, and then added dark colors
of Lindy's sprays, drying between layers. I topped the darkness
with metallics and some white speckling to represent the stars.

I used Gonno #6203 as my space man. He looks like he's a bit
off balance to begin with, so this wasn't much of a stretch.

I used the Circles Cube #6184 and stamped the one with the
largest open area. It fit Gonno's face and a clear epoxy
sticker perfectly! And now our spaceman has a helmet.

   Lastly, I added some TH stars and some TH alphabet die cuts
to spell out "Space Case". I added some Stickles for sparkle and
more starry illusion. Fini!

Thanks for dropping by.

Be sure to pop by the Stampotique Designer's Challenge blog
to see all of the far out creations made this week.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

SDC:259 Halloween

Even with my soul stealing employment, I managed to make something 
Halloween themed after all.

The current theme at Stampotique Designer's Challenge is
It really is the most wonderful time of the year.

One of my new friends is Tara, who is also a newbie on the SDC DT.
She's pretty awesome. And she likes to collect bugs and weird shit just 
like I do. I consider it destiny...
Anyhoo, she wanted to trade pocket letters with the new DT.
This is the one I sent to her. I used all kinds of Stampotique stamps 
on this letter. It was super fun to make. And only my second PL ever. 
It was also a great way to use up some ATC sized scraps of
Halloween papers.

I popped in a quick note and a few tricks and treats to go along with the 
Halloween theme.

Thanks for stopping by.

Be sure to check out the Halloween eyeball candy going
on over at the SDC blog! And have you been by the 
Stampotique facebook page yet? You really should check it out.

Monday, October 17, 2016

AW Anything Goes

Just a quick share today of my DT sample for 

Since I'm already lacking greatly in the Halloween makes this year,
I decided to have a go at making this into a Halloween themed thank you card.
My sister in law just took me to the Sinister Creature Con yesterday.
I think she deserves a nice card.

I used the adorable Day of the Dead Marigold Sprite
Another of my very favorite Sprites.
  I used a card base that was a sample of my new Color Burst powders.
So much fun to play and create with those! The card base already had
spider web embossing on the edges so it worked perfectly with that
Stampin' Up web doily.

 I colored this cutie up using Copics in my Halloween go to colors
of purple, green and orange. Topped everything off with a healthy
does of various colors of Stickles, and this card is ready for the post

Thanks for stopping by today.
Be sure to check out all of the creative eye candy being shared over

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What's my favorite quote(s)?

The new theme at SCD is to use your favorite quote
It is nearly impossible to narrow down my favorite quote
to just one, but I did manage to get the list knocked down to just two.
And surprisingly they are from the same person. And maybe even more
odd, they are from Maya Angelou. I know, right? 
Most may have guessed Edgar Allan Poe or Alfred Hitchcock
or Vincent Price ("I never met a monster I didn't like", is one of my very favorites.),
but Maya's words have always spoken to me on such a personal and fundamental 
level. I first heard her on an episode of Oprah and was struck by how 
beautifully she used her words to speak the truth. I love her.

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have repeated this quote
to myself and to anyone who will listen. It is pure truth.
And has saved me from getting burned more than once by the same person. 

I used Twinkie #6103 and Topher #6198 to bring this journal page to life.
They are such weirdos and I love them so very much.
I also used some circles from the Circles Cube #6184 to add more interest.

Topher, always the silly weirdo.

And then there is this lovely lady with her "pearls of wisdom".
Perl #6071 is one of my most used stamps, only second to Karin

This quote speaks to me because I have always tried to be
anything but normal. And look at me now!! 
Abby Normal is my constant way of being. 
And I have been known to be pretty amazing at times.

I managed to sneak in some lovely girly-ness using some of the
gorgeous blooms from the Flower Cube 1 #5851. I even heat embossed them in gold.
I have quite a bit of neglected gold powders since I rarely use them. I really love how 
they give a feeling of beauty and fanciness here.

That's it for me today. Be sure to drop by the Stampotique Designer's Challenge
and see what everyone else has cooked up for this fun challenge theme. 

Monday, October 3, 2016

Useless Trinkets Halloween Hop

EDIT: My apologies to my Hop mates and to those of you
trying to hop along in order on Saturday. I didn't get my post
auto posted properly and ended up being the weakest link in this hop.
I hate it when that happens... 

It's that time of year again, when the amazingly talented 
Jessa of Useless Trinkets fame generously shares her art with the 
masses for the incredibly low price of ....FREE.
Yes, you read that right, she gives her art away for free.
Because she's cool like that. 

I was inspired by the gathering of multiple new monsters
and my dear DT mate Arwen, to try my hand at making jewelry.
I began with some shrink plastic that I taped to a sheet of printer paper
and printed the new kids in fairly large sizes. Maybe 3 inches high, or so.

I used Copics to color everyone on the rough side of the plastic.
I trimmed all the monsters and bats out, punched the holes for the findings,
and then used a heat gun to shrink them down to size. I added some white gel
pen as highlights for more interest.

I added the charms to a ready made charm bracelet a few links apart
to give everyone space to shine individually.  

Some of the highlights worked out better than others...

I added some silver charms and glass beads to the bracelet
to fancy it up some. And to make it look fuller and prettier. 

I may be wearing this to work next week.

Be sure to hop along to all of the blogs and see what 
fun and creative projects everyone has cooked up with the new
freebies. And don't forget to grab your very own freebies, too!
