Current Design Teams

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Stampotique SDC254: Text Background

Welcome to my second Stampotique Designer's Challenge offering.
The new challenge theme is to use background text on your project.
I needed a new book mark for my summer reading. I just started a book by
Joe Hill, who happens to Stephen King's kid. The book is called, 'NOS4A2',
and it is really good. Way better than the other three books of his 
I have attempted to read. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt 
based on his Dad's writings, but I can't always finish Stephen's books either. 
I usually like the subject matter, but they're a bit too wordy for me... 
I tire of the superfluous content that really seems to make no difference 
to the actual storytelling.

But, I digress....

I used an old dictionary page from a dictionary from my high school days.
The copyright is 1956, so it was old when I acquired it back in 1987. The pages have a
nice vintage quality and a perfect yellowing that appeals to me. I chose the page that
has the definition of 'cadaver' and 'cadaverous' on it. I usually try to find a page 
with some sort of morbidity to it.
I colored up the Fruit Bat #4053 from Kira Nichols as my focal image.
I used some lovely gold iridescent paper gifted to me from a friend. Copics
color it quite nicely without losing any of the shine. I love it. 

I stamped the Owl Tree #4018, also from Kira's collection.
I heat embossed it for the fruit bat to hang from, and to add more 

And for even more interest and faux texture , I used the Cracks #10032 stamp. 
I stamped it randomly around the edges of the bookmark. I think I'll be getting
quite a bit of use out of this stamp. I don't always have good success with crackle 
mediums, so this will work well for most of my cracked needs.    

And here we have my new bookmark to keep my place in the
over 600 page book I am devouring this summer. I added some
decadent sheer purple ribbon to taunt my cats with for good measure.
All good bookmarks need a lovely tassel, don't they? 

I hope you'll join us over at the Stampotique Designer's Challenge
for our latest challenge. Drop by, get inspired,and play along, won't you? 


  1. LOVE, LOVE this girlie! Just ordered these stamps to go with my grumpy jacks! Found you on the STampotique FB page! Awesome job!

  2. EEEK! He's adorable! FAbulous interest with all the stamps you used. Love, love, LOVe! xxD

  3. Cool bookmark! I have NOS4A2 on my reading shelf, but I haven't gotten to it yet. I too have had difficulty reading Joe Hill's work. He has great concepts, but I have a hard time getting invested in his characters. As for Stephen King's novels. I love his character work, though he has a lot of characters in his stories. I find audio books to be the best medium for absorbing Stephen King novels.

  4. This is so sweet.
    Have visions of bat reading your book upside down from the inside.i wonder if he'll make sense of it? LOL.
    Love the colours too. X

  5. How super awesome and what a fabulous little batty :-) Great bookmark Glo :-D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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