Current Design Teams

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

It's Party Time!!!

It's time to celebrate!!
What are we celebrating? Well, this is my very first post
for my new design team term at Stampotique Designer's Challenges.
Sounds like a great reason to party to me!!

What's a party without party guests? 
I've invited quite few of my favorite stamps to this little soiree. 
I made this altered canvas using the backside of it as a shadowbox
to give some depth and extra space for everyone. This canvas is a gift 
for a friend's 50th birthday. She's been a very dear bestie for many years. 
Like over 30 years. We actually went to high school together and have done
a lot of growing up together. I love that crazy chick. So the fact that she's
stuck around for so long means she deserves such an involved project/gift
for her old lady birthday.   

I began by using matte gel medium to adhere old dictionary pages to the frame.
Then, I used watered down brown acrylic paint to age and distress the edges.
Giving the entire a piece an ancient appearance of at least 50 years old. Hee hee.
It also allowed for a more cohesive feel to all the torn edges of the dictionary pages.
Then, I added some of my favorite stamps, 
Moth Fab (one of my very first Stampotique stamps), Schmurfy, Piling Thing,
Barkabe, and a dog from the Dog Cube.
This is Baby Cthulhu. He is one of my favorite Stampotique stamps.
I also managed to place the birthday definition in the background, as well.  

Over on this side we have more favorites, Karin, Batboy, Spider Girl,
more Piling Things, and a pup from the Dog Cube

The distressed and crackled chipboard number 50 is a great place for 
Moon Girl and one of the bat kids from the Halloween Cube #1 
to hang out and enjoy the festivities. 

The spider from the Birds and Bugs cube makes an appearance as well.
He is hanging freely from a web brad and some iridescent floss.
I worked the cake definition into the background up there, too.  

Kitty even decided to come out and see what all of the excitement is about.

Using the party definition in the background, I added the 
Happy, Happy, Happy banner to complete the party decorations.
Also most everyone is wearing party hats compliments of the

All of the coloring was done with Copics, and most of the images were
heat embossed on Paper Trey Ink card stock. My favored paper of choice.

My friend loved her canvas! I had to give it her a little early for fear she'd see this
post before her birthday this Friday, and ruin the surprise.
Happiest of daze to you, Dani!!! 

Thanks for stopping by today and celebrating with all of us. 
Be sure to pop by the Stampotique Designer's Challenge (now a bi-weekly challenge)
and check out all of the other designer's makes for Team 2.
As usual, there are two $30 gift certificates up for grabs this month.
And you don't even need to use Stampotique stamps to enter either. 
But if you have some already, why not break 'em out?    

I'd like to enter this canvas in the following challenge:
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Create a Scene


  1. Wow Glo this is fantastic congrats aging on your new dt hugs Sandra xx

  2. Wow, you sure have pushed the boat out here ! Love it ! Great scene !
    Corrie x

  3. WOOHOO! Congrats on your new DT gig, Glo. You totally ROCKED this. Such amazing detail. What a PAR-TAY! I happened to notice the "birth control" definition right above "birthday". (No judgment. LOL) FAbulous collection of guests. Your BFF will be thrilled (and might even be able to forget she just turned 50.) Except for those HUGE numbers staring her in the face.) LOVE it! She will too. xxD

  4. Love this make, congrats and welcome to the team 😊Gay x

  5. Brilliant! so many at the Party!!
    love the colours and definition, going to give it a try

    Jools x

  6. I seriously could look at this all day and find something new to look at! The time and detail! This is so fantastic!

  7. No wonder your friend loved it, it's fantastic! Luck lady she is. Your colouring is always top notch and your creations just brilliant. x

  8. Fabulous card, what a lot of work you've put into it.
    Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.


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