Current Design Teams

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Passionate about Power Poppy

Of all the days for me to decide not to turn the computer on!
I forgot all about the Passionate Paper Creations and Power Poppy
facebook event going on this weekend!
I decided to finally hop on the computer at 8 PM to see what I missed
and about had a fit! There is a $25 gift credit giveaway for Power Poppy
going on and I almost missed it!!

I quickly colored in one of my newest Power Poppy images
the Gerbera Daisies, and made a nice card that may also
qualify for the current Power Poppy Power and Spark challenge 
of Happy Mail.
Everyone can use some happy mail from time to time, right?
I know how much I enjoy getting a thoughtful note or a beautiful
handmade card in the mail. I have to admit that it doesn't happen nearly
enough, but I try to send one out at least once a month or more.

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:
Power Poppy Power and Spark challenge - Happy Mail
Passionate Paper Creations Facebook contest
Hiding in my Craft Room - Summer Colors
Paper Creators Crafts - All About Flowers



  1. Beautiful card! Thanks for playing along with us at Hiding In My Craft Room!

  2. Lovely card, very pretty !
    Thanks for your participation at the Paper Creator challenge ! xx

  3. Wow -- what a lovely trio you colored up here. LOVE the bold pop of pink and the doily accents -- such a fun and feminine card! Thanks so much for playing along with us this month at Power Poppy!


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