Current Design Teams

Monday, May 23, 2016

Wee Batty Boos

I am back today with another Halloween themed project.
Today I have an ATC inspired by a Pinterest pin for the current

 This is my pin from my Color Theory board on Pinterest.
I have a bunch of them (87 to be exact) saved on my board,
but this one really popped out at me for some reason.  

I have had this adorable image from Wee Stamps for quite some time and this is the
very first time I have colored these cuties up. I know, how lame, huh? 

I used the oranges, the blue violets, and the red violets from
the color theory palette. I added the yellow green to ground the image and provide
more contrast. I was trying to stay away from grays because the cool grays 
look very similar to the blue violets used on the bats.

I used an ombre effect to color the button stamp. Another virgin stamp
used finally. I also popped some yellow glitter in the pumpkin's eyes and
mouth for a bit of interest and sparkle.

Super sweet image I'm glad I finally colored.
I really like this challenge of Pinterest inspiration, but getting
to choose your own pin was really fun. I may have to make that a weekly
occurrence for my own personal challenge.

I'll be back tomorrow with yet another card for you to check out.
This one isn't Halloween in nature, but I hope you'll pop by and 
check it out anyway.

I'd like to enter this ATC in the following challenges:


  1. That's just gorgeous and what awesome colouring :-) The batties are sooooo cute :-) xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. So stinkin' cute! Thank you for playing along with us at Wicked Wednesday!

  3. Outstanding your pinspiration color choices and your design is cute and colored beautifully. Thanks for joining the Wicked Wednesday ATC Challenge this week...Wendy (DT)

  4. Super cute!!! Thank you for joining us at PINspiratonal, good luck!!! Amy DT

  5. You did a fabulous job of incorporating the challenge colors throughout your design. Very nicely crafted project! Thanks for taking the challenge this week at Shopping Our Stash!
    Chana, DT

  6. Beautiful colors, you always wow me :) Thanks for joining us at Wicked Wednesday x

  7. Wow! Fabulous job using those colors on your ATC! You have crazy mad coloring skillz! Thanks for joining us at Shopping Our Stash!

  8. Sweet card!!! Thanks so much for participating in our {PIN}SPIRATIONAL challenge!!! Can’t wait to see you participate again in our next challenge!! Have a great crafty day!!! (SO sorry I'm late commenting but I have so much trouble with this proving I'm NOT A ROBOT foolishness!!)
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper


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