Current Design Teams

Saturday, May 14, 2016

F is for ....


I have received the esteemed honor of being crowned the 
Queen of Snark 
by the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers.
Along with my shiny new crown I get to guest DT for this week's challenge.
When it comes to fugly (so ugly it deserves an eff in front of it) I have no shortage
of unattractive papercrafting supplies. I have a ridiculous amount of ugly ass papers.
You know when you buy a paper pad for that one or two gorgeous sheets of paper,
but then the rest of the pad is inundated with just blech?! Yeah, I have a bunch
of those. Especially old papers I've had for years but never seem to part with even on
my best purge days. This was a perfect opportunity to part with some of those papers.
The hard part was deciding which ones to try and work with for a usable card.

These papers came in a set that I bought at Ross or somewhere.
Most of them have glitter and embossing and are in the purple range.
These however are not purple, but at least they play well off of each other.
And for the record, baby blue is probably my least favorite color ever.

This guy on the other hand is one of my favorite images.
He's 'Gobsmack', from Sweet November. Sadly, I don't think he's available any longer.
He does however go fabulously with the snarkiest of sentiments.
I used some new stamps from StudioL2E and Snarky Stamps from Paper Issues.
Thanks to my new Snarky Sisters, we were able to share links to some new stamps
for each other. Snarky Stamps from Paper Issues are awesome! Lots of cursing,
so be warned if you choose to check them out. The same goes for StudioL2E.
My buddy Jessa from Useless Trinkets was kind enough to hook me up with
the 'Potty Mouth' set as a gift. She rocks. I had to expand my collection with the
'Suckyday Part-1' set as well.  

The inside sentiment is from the Snarky Stamps 'Ahh Real Birthday sentiments',
which are currently on sale. It looks like they may be phasing these sets out, 
as they are all on sale now. Grab 'em while you can!! 

Overall, this card is pretty cute. I managed to use up some papers that I thought
were basically unusable, and they do work well together. 
Even with baby blech. I mean baby blue. 

Well, that's gonna do it for me today.
Now to narrow down who to send this fugly little gem to for their 
special day. The list is long since I have a lot of good humored people in my life
who will totally appreciate this card.

Thanks to the fabulous ladies at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers.
They get me over there. Check 'em out!! And join in on the fugly challenge
going on right now. Just do it. All the cool kids are there.



  1. Bwaahahaha - FABulous !!! This is an absolute scream and I love how you used some of your fugly papers. :-D
    Yes - this would definitely be my cup of tea..... what a hoot !! :-D

    IKE xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I am so glad that we were enablers for you get the Paper Issues stamp sets! Those are probably my favorites in my stamp stash! LOL! I have to agree, that paper is awful! But you made it work perfectly on your card! Love it! So happy that you joined us as GD at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  3. This is just brilliant! Thanks so much for guesting with the Sisterhood this month, Jo x

  4. We are so happy to have you! I'm glad that there are more of "us" out there! Gobsmack is a fantastic image and the only way that he could be Fugly is to color him yellow (my nemesis!) Thank you for being our Queen!

  5. Perfect Fugly card, you kinda wonder who designs some of these papers. You made yours work fabulously with that adorable image, you wear your crown well.

  6. Great card. Thanks for joining the sisterhood this week as a sister.

  7. Fantastic Card love the colors! Thank you for joining the sisters!

  8. Buahhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha awesome card!!
    Yep, I am with you on buying a paper pack for a few awesome pieces of paper then the rest is shite and effin FUGLY!
    Thank you for being our Queen and super special guest designer for the F is for Fugly challenge

  9. Superb loving the sentiment. x

  10. Brilliant card! And thanks for the links too, I love the idea of sentiments so potty mouthed you get a warning message before clicking on the link to the image!


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