Current Design Teams

Saturday, April 23, 2016

"Damn your eyes! Too late."

As soon as I saw the new challenge at Stampotique ,
I immediately knew what movie I was going to choose.

My all time favorite film is 'Young Frankenstein'.
I have seen it over one hundred times in it's entirety, and even 
more in pieces. I know nearly all of the lines by heart and still 
laugh out loud like I'm watching it for the very first time.
It's timeless, in my opinion. Even though I was only four years old
when it was released in 1974, and I am generally not a big black and white
movie fan, this is my very favorite film ever.   

I decided to immortalize it my small Dyan Reaveley art journal.
But it needed a two page spread. There was no way I could fit
all of this awesomeness on only one page.

I used "Jammin'" to perfectly represent The Monster
I added the top hat from the hat cube, and added a satin black bow tie
and a hand drawn cane to mimic the iconic "Puttin' on the Ritz" scene.  

I found a cool movie poster on google and chopped it in half
to go on either side of that awesome YF quote artwork.
I stamped some brains to create a border of sorts and heat embossed them
to make 'em all shiny and for a fun texture.   

I chose "Gonno" to represent Doctor Frankenstein, pronounced, "Fronkensteen". 
It was his crazy mad scientist hair that cemented this choice.
He also received a top hat and bow tie to complete his dapper look.  

I'd like to enter this project in the following challenges:
Stampotique Designer's Challenge - SDC241 TV Show/Movie inspired 


  1. Wow absolutely stunning! Thanks for joining the Stampotique DC

  2. OMG!!!! This is soo freakin' FABULOUS, Glo! Love your choice of characters (I knew as soon as I saw Gonno that you'd get him, too.) Perfect for Dr "FRONKENSTEEN". He and Jammin' are really stylin'. Love, love, LOVE those shiny brains. What an amazing spread! xxD

  3. This is fabulous, I love it!! Thanks for joining us this week at Stampotique

  4. Gonno makes a great dr Frenkienstien
    An amazing project, thanks for joining us at the SDC blog

  5. I LOVE IT!!!! This is so f*ckin' cool :)
    Thanks for joining us at Stampotique this week!

    xx Arwen

  6. wow this is so great, love your project, thank you for joining us this week at the Stampotique challenge!

  7. I love, Love, LOVE this and Yes! I'm screaming.

    Everything about this spread is pure genius and a great tribute to the movie.

    Thanks for playing along with us this week at Stampotique Designers Challenges.

  8. I do absolutely love this.
    Thank you for joining in with the Stampotique challenge this week.
    Carol x

  9. Love your journal page, perfect for this weeks SDC.

  10. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh this is all kinds of perfect crafty awesomeness!!!
    Thanks for joining the sisterhood of snarky stampers this time around for E is for Embossing (and Edna)!!

  11. AMAZING and perfect for this weeks challenge. Thank you for playing with us at stampotique Originals Designer Challenge. .

  12. AWESOME!!!
    thanks for joining in with us at Stampotique this week :)

  13. You've done it again, Glo! Awesome piece! I love Young Frankenstein.

  14. This piece is just mind blowing --- I saw it in FB and it was a love in a first sight. Awesome!!! Thank you for playing in Dream in Darkness, hope to see you back soon.

  15. There is so much to see in this one little project that I felt like I had just gone to a movie where I truly got my money's worth!!! Thanks for joining us over at the Sisterhood for Snarky Stampers this week!

  16. A brilliant tribute to a great movie! Shiny brains, mmm. :D This is really amazing. Thanks for joining the fun at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  17. What a great Tale you've told, I feel I should rush over to Youtube & find the movie! Thank you for sharing it with Dreaming In Darkness.

  18. Totally wickedly awesome! Love this celebration and tribute. Love all the amazing imagery and spot-on color and detail. 'dem brains, wicked! Thanks so much for playing at Dream in Darkness!~kim


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