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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Useless Trinkets Easter Addition

It's that time again! 
Jessa at Useless Trinkets has drawn up some super cute and fun 
Easter themed freebies for you to play with.
I know it's hard to believe that someone with such marketable talent
would be willing to just give her drawings away for free, but that's
precisely what Jessa insists upon doing. 
She's just cool and  generous like that.

First up is Gustav, the Easter Monstah.

Gustav is filling in for the Easter Bunny, who apparently has taken ill....

Jessa has also created some cute sentiments to go along with the new images.
Be sure to grab them while you're visiting her freebie page.

I have been wanting to create a shaker card for months now.
I have been collecting sequins and schtuff to fill my shakers, and
I have been watching various tutorials on how to make simple,
Fuse tool-free shaker cards on YouTube. After all of my preparation
I figured now was as good a time as any to give it a go.

I began by coloring up the Easter version of Cookie Jar, the Unicorn.
I went with a rainbow color palette. I thought it went well with the cute cloud paper. 
And unicorns and rainbows kind of go hand in hand, don't they?

I remember my cherished sticker album as a kid was full of rainbow unicorn stickers.
This was one of my favorites.  

Now I did mention that this is my very first attempt at making a shaker
card, right? It's a little rough, but I think I did okay.

Some key advice would be to use a heavier stock of paper
to go over the shaker part. My paper is super thin, so it really
shows the wrinkles and even tore a bit, too. Still, it's not too shabby
for my first attempt. I'll be trying this technique again now that I have 
figured out some of my mistakes. Practice makes perfect.

Thanks for stopping by today. 
I hope you'll pop by Jessa's blog and grab these awesome new freebies.
Be sure to bunneh hop along with the Freebie DT to see all of the clever
ways we've used these great images and sentiments.


  1. Ooooooh - super cool creations Glo. The Bunneh card is wonderful and gave me a chuckle. The little unicorn shaker card is utterly delightful :-) I have never made one of thos either and I must say that yours is marvelous. You have inspired me to have a go now :-D

    IKE xx

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  2. Ohhh, Gloria, your cards are awesome :-) The shaker-card is peeerfect, and I loove your eggs :-) it sounds wierd, but i have NO talent to give an beautiful pattern to ANY egg ;-) and your gustav-coloring is awesome :-)

  3. Glo, you really, really brouhgt some tears to my eyes! I'm so happy to have such a crafty friend like you. Your kind words are so sweet and your cards are pure artworks. Congrats to your very first shaker card - it looks awesome!

    You are so talented - thanks for your help



  4. Oh wow, I love your unicorn shaker card!!!
    And the Fluffy Gustav is so awesome! Wonderful Eastercards!

  5. Oh mann, ich bin immer wieder geplättet, wie toll die Digis koloriert sind. Die Karten sind generell super. Kompliment!

    Liebe Grüße

  6. weeeeeehhhh <3 <3 <3 I just love your shaker card, it's sooo colorful just like cookie-jar itself. And I really like these different sizes and forms of sequins that you used. Love how you shaded the unicorn with blue, that's amazing, gotta try that the next time. Gustav's fur is perfect, and I love how you colored the horns too <3 so much inspiration

  7. Of curse I adore what you've made with these new freebies. I can't believe how generous Jess is too. I am totally printing these cuties now to color. Love your shaker card! It's been years since I've made one.

  8. Your cards and coloring are fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Your coloring is soooo amazing. I love the way you gave texture to the freebies especially the fur of Gustav

  10. I love that monster, he always makes me smile when I see him. And I love how you colored him and his little Easter Egg. Yes, Unicorns and Rainbows of course go together. (Nice sticker I think I prob has one too.) I think you did a great job on your Shaker card!! Looks good from here. I love how you colored up Cookie Jar and his egg.


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