Current Design Teams

Monday, December 21, 2015

Warm and Fuzzy

Man, I feel like Rip Van Winkle. Like I just woke up
from a long slumber only to find it's Christmas already!!
California is finally getting some much needed rain, 
the Sierra's are filling up with lots of gorgeous snow,
and the chilly temps are making it hard to walk away from the 
space heater under my desk.

I did mange to do some work finally, after being sick for over two months.
I guess the ol' immune system isn't what it used to be.

The new challenge at Aurora Wings is
Warm and Fuzzy.
I always loved this adorable image, and it was the first one 
I thought of using for this challenge. 
Have you ever seen baby penguins? They're so chubby and fluffy!!!   

This image is called, 'Baby Penguin in Santa Hat'.
I colored him up using Copics and a google search reference photo.
I never realized they're fluff was so beautiful, going from jet black, 
to the softest of grays, and then pure white. I rouged his cheeks up
a bit since it is so chilly and all.  

I cut out a TH die using grunge board, painted it white, applied
some Dream Weaver crackle paste, and waited. And waited, and waited
for it to start to crack. It took what seemed life forever, and then I added 
a brown wash to accentuate the cracks. I hated it immediately, so I tried a 
red wash. Still wasn't thrilled, but managed to make it work with the help
of some Diamond Dust on the edges.

I popped some ribbon through the hole and hung him
on the tree. Now I want to make more. Lots more!
There are so many perfect images to use at Aurora Wings
that the possibilities are endless. Now that I've got my technique
(sorta) figured out, I may make some as gifts for friends and family.  

I hope you'll join us over at Aurora Wings challenge blog
where there is never a shortage of beautiful inspiration and
a fun challenge to spark your creativity.

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
and Season's Greetings!! 


Friday, December 4, 2015

Xmasified Morty

Since I have scattered all of my Xmas supplies around the craft room,
I went ahead and made a few more Christmas cards.
I still refuse to put the Halloween schtuff aside yet.
It never really gets put away, but I just can't bring myself to move it
out of sight yet.
This guy is Morty, from the Vera Lane Studio 
Backyard Monsters digi set.
I love this guy!!!

Morty received a hat and sweater via Gimp, for a festive holiday look.
I actually chose my papers first for a change. This helped greatly
in cutting down my color selection time. I spend far too much time 
choosing colors for images. 

I love this version of Morty the best.
Very traditional, yet fun with the pop of lime green. 
And that Liquid Applique is perfect for Santa hat trim.

I popped on some acrylic snowflakes and some Stickles,
in my favorite color, Platinum/Mercury Glass. I'm pretty sure they're
the same color, just with different names.

I have another Morty card to share, but I haven't taken a picture of it yet.
Stay tuned...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Vera Lane Xmas Snark

I am still not done trying to make Halloween schtuff,
but I'm coming to the dreaded realization that Christmas is eminent.

I decided to have a go at transforming some Vera Lane digi images 
from their everyday quirkiness to Holiday Cheer Quirkiness.
I am always in need of last minute Christmas cards, and this little lady seemed
like the perfect focal point for a fun and simple holiday card. 

I used the Wednesday image and added a hat from the 
Boutique Hats set. I also gave her a cool sweater that was
offered as a freebie on the Vera Lane Studio facebook page.  

I went completely non-traditional with a purple and black color scheme,
and a snarky sentiment for this card. I used some TH snowflake border
and a MS skull border punch to mimic  a sweater design.

I am having a blast transforming these deliciously fun and quirky images
for Christmas cards. I may have forgotten to mention that I am using Gimp
to manipulate the images. I think I need to look for an update as my version is pretty
dated, but it still works for what I need.
I'll be back soon with a couple more cards using Vera Lane images and Gimp.

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:

Monday, November 16, 2015

Anything but Cards

Today is the beginning of a new week and a new challenge at the

The new theme is Anything but Cards.
This can be quite the challenge for a lot of card makers, but it's fun to be pushed
out of our comfort zones every once in a while.

I decided to make some fun wrapping paper using the new
I already had him colored up and scanned into my computer,
so I opened the image using Gimp, and tiled the image to look
like wrapping paper. I made a couple of different versions to
accommodate the smaller  box sizes.

I used my TH bow die for the coordinating package bows.
And I used scraps left over as the ribbons on the solid color packages.
Super cute. 

These would be adorable in a stocking, or as surprise gifts for the kiddos.
Something a little different, and very unique. 
I just wish my printer would print 11"x 17" paper...  

Please be sure to stop by the Aurora Wings challenge blog and see
what it looks like when the fabulous DT thinks outside of the box.
Did ya see what I did there?

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Smeared Ink Monthly challenge

It's time to get smudgy again!!

Here is the newest addition to my Smeared Ink
altered board book. It's a bit on the simple side,
but I didn't want anything to compete with this incredible image.
It's called, X-Ray Monocle Raven and it's available in the Smeared Ink shop.
I painted the background black, added some stripes with Wilted Violet distress paint.
I am loving that shade of purple, and how well it shows up against the black.
Lastly, I added a rib cage stencil with silver embossing paste and splattered
some copper Perfect Pearls spray for more contrast and interest.

Here it is in the actual children's board book.
I am so happy with how this book is turning out.
Now I am always on the hunt for kid's board books at thrift stores
and yard sales. So fun and super sturdy to alter.

Be sure to check out the awesome inspiration this month at Smudgy Antics!!  

Saturday, November 14, 2015

All Hail the Queen of Snark!!

I am thrilled to have been chosen as the Queen of Snark
over at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers.
As the Queen I get to play along with those snarky ladies for their
newest challenge which is ...

Now you may be thinking, "What the heck does that mean?"
Basically, it can be anything to do with music. Sheet music, lyrics,
musical notes, etc...
I was struggling a bit trying find a snarky song to use as my muse,
but decided to go in a completely different direction using holiday sheet music
as my background paper. I used a snarky sentiment to fulfill my Snarky title.   

I went with the holiday standard Christmas song, "Jingle Bells"
I pulled up some Jingle Bells sheet music and aged them to perfection.

 The stamp is called, 'Tangled Enthusiasm', from Stampotique.
The presents are also a stamp from Stampotique, called 'Piling Things'.

Perfect snarky sentiment also from Stampotique.

I had a blast coloring the Xmas lights. I hadn't given any thought as to how
to fussy cut them beforehand, but I think they turned out quite alright.

Thank you so much, Snarky Sisterhood!!
I really appreciate being recognized as a Queen, and being asked 
to join in on the snarky fun for this challenge.
Be sure to stop by the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers and see
what the real Queens of Snark have conjured up for this theme.   

Friday, November 13, 2015

Christmas Sprites Coloring Book Showcase

It seems like I have barely begun making Halloween projects, 
and here it is almost Thanksgiving!!
And even more shocking, it's time to begin Christmas shopping...
Kill me now...

I think I'll ease into the holiday with a sweet little warm up in the
shape of an adorable Christmas Sprite.

Why stop there? I have three of the cutest, and newest Christmas Sprites
to share with you today. They are part of a new Aurora Wings mini coloring book.
These three images (along with three others)  will not be sold individually as digis.
They are only available in the new Christmas Sprite Mini Coloring Book  
featuring 12 Sprites in all, which is currently available for pre-order at the 
Aurora Wings store envy shop.     

Yes, I know she's kind of sickeningly sweet (in a good way), 
but I was going for a non-traditional color scheme. 
And I think we can all agree,
this is a very nontraditional color scheme.

I wasn't actually trying for a Cotton Candy Sprite,
but this Wreath Sprite can obviously double for one
with the right colors. I used Copic RVs and some Rs
to achieve the cherry pink and baby pink coloring.

I gave the entire wreath and the stripes on her bow
a healthy dusting of  Rock Candy Distress Dry Glitter.
I also edged her furry bits with white flocking, and the stars
are covered with Diamond Stickles.  
This baby is sparkly!!

I chopped up a snowflake border and added it to the corners
to bring in the glittery gold a bit more. I had to try and break
up all that pink.  

Very fun to color this cutie!

Next up is the Amaryllis Sprite.

I am quite happy with how well this card came together.
I lucked out big time with the perfectly matching paper.
I rarely color my projects after choosing a paper. I admit it does
make for easier crafting when you choose your papers first,
but my brain is not naturally wired that way. 

This little bit of gorgeousness was a dream to color!
I like to google images before I start coloring flowers in particular.
I like to choose a color scheme that is not unrealistic, but more on the
non-traditional side. I immediately think of a scarlet red when I think
of Amaryllis, not a variegated red violet.    

Seemed a fitting sentiment. 

Not an obvious Christmas card, since I hid the only snowflake behind
the Sprite's head. I have a bunch of birthday's coming up, so this
will also make a perfect birthday card. 

Lastly, I have the cutest Stocking Sprite to share with you.

Super cute, right?

I went with another non-traditional color palette of
purples, yellow greens and blue greens.

I had fun coloring and decorating this stocking.
I used Liquid Applique for the snowballs and the fuzzy
parts of the snowman's hat. FYI, don't be impatient while waiting for your
Liquid Applique to run down to the tip, and decided it might be a good
idea to use your heat gun to speed up the painfully slow process.
It is not a good idea. The plastic of the pen is super thin and will,
and does melt very quickly. 

Okay, that's it for today's special sneak peek of the soon to arrive
If you just can't wait to start coloring up Sprites, there is a wonderful 
sale going on at the Aurora Wings Etsy shop.

Be sure to stop by the Aurora Wings Showcase blog to see all
of the incredibly gorgeous sample projects the DTs have made for this
coloring book release. And also to get more info on pre-ordering your
very own Christmas Sprite Mini Coloring Book.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Black and White Horror Show

Here it is the day before Halloween and I was finally able to
complete my project for the final Haunted Design House theme,
and the October 12 Tags of 2015, for Tim Holtz.

Now, I pre-ordered this awesome die set back in August. Pretty much the
very second I saw it. I mean, c'mon! It's a Zombie! 
And I loves me some undead corpses. 

BTW. I ordered this die set from The Funkie Junkie Boutique.
They are offering this die, and many others at half the price of
most every other retailer I have seen. They have the best every day 
prices for all of your funkie and junkie makes. Just so ya know.   

Zombies are my all time favorite monsters. 
After The Creature and Frankenstein's Monster, mind you. 
I am a bit of a purist, so the classic monsters do come first. 
But I have loved Zombies since I saw "Night of the Living Dead".
Well, actually my love really started with "TarMan", from "Return of the Living Dead".
He was the coolest, and still is the coolest on screen Zombie ever.

And then it seemed only fitting to really familiarize myself with the 
original "Night of the Living Dead". And that is where I got my inspiration
for this tag.   

My usual Zombie color of choice is green, but I wanted to make
this guy really stand out without the use of bright colors.
I thought an old black and white, silver screen zombie was fitting. 
I began by die cutting various shades of gray and black card stock.
I inked the edges using Black Soot and Hickory Smoke distress inks
to give some shading on all of the pieces.     

After adhering the designer paper to a tag, I speckled it with silver, black 
and white distress stains. I also sanded the edges of the tag, too.
Then, I added the number 31 enameled tag after giving it some Brushed Pewter
and black distress paints. I even got to use my TH distress hammer on the brads.
I love the aged effect on this tag.

I tried to keep this guy as dimensional as I could.

So cool to have dimension like this. The key really is to use a wet glue,
as opposed to a tape runner or other dry adhesive.  

I added some stained seam binding and silver tinsel twine
to keep in the black and white theme.
I also used one of my coveted "Zombie" charms.
I have a few different design charms, but felt this one worked the best.
And I still have another one of these in my stash.         

As cool as everything on this tag was turning out, I felt he needed something 
else to make him really creepy. Drippy goo! No real zombie would be seen
shambling along with a clean mouth and chin! I added some black goo to his
mouth and covered it in Glossy Accents to really make it look awful.
Something really disturbing about that dark black drool coming out of him.
I love it!! 

 I am so happy with how this tag tuned out.
I am thinking of making a canvas out of him in the 
very near future. I'll be pumping out Halloween projects
until Thanksgiving (and beyond) so stay tuned.

I'd like to enter this tag in the following challenges:



Saturday, October 24, 2015

Vibrant Day of the Dead

Do you ever complete a project and look at it,
and instantly fall in love with your own work?
It doesn't happen to me that often, but when it does, it's so nice.

The new month long challenge at Aurora Wings Challenge blog is
Day of the Dead.

I knew pretty much immediately what image I wanted to use
and got her all colored up with my favorite medium, Copics.
Day of the Dead Marie is one of my favorite Aurora Wings images.
Then, as has become my apparent Halloween tradition, I came 
down with a terrible bugg of some sort, and was completely out 
of commission for a week. Never got to get her finished, but was trying
despite my ailments, to work on a project fitting of this gorgeous image.

I love making cards, but this lady deserved something a bit more 
permanent than a greeting card, so I made her into a 5" X 7" panel
fit for framing.

I began with a flat canvas panel I picked up in a 10 pack at Ross.
I find some really cool craft supplies at Ross and TJ Maxx sometimes.
Who knew? Now we all do.
I gessoed, and then painted the panel with magenta acrylic paint.
Then I added some black paint to the edges to grunge it up a bit.

I mounted some black cheesecloth to the panel to serve as my background.
I was going to use some gray flocked baroque patterned acetate, but it
just wasn't working well with the magenta. And I really tried to force the
use of that acetate, but no dice. I like the cheesecloth better, anyway.

I glued on some lush black lace and trim to give everything a fancy flair.
I envisioned the rest of her dress as being quite ornate with lace and trims.

After adhering the image panel, I started the time consuming
(for me, anyway) process of adding embellishments.

I decided on the neon green rose to match her eyes, and then
a feather, some pearl fancies, mini roses, and a cool spider
to finish it all off.

I must say that I am pretty chuffed as to how this turned out.
I wasn't so sure it was ever going to be done, but now that it is
I will be searching for the perfect frame to display her properly.

Thanks for stopping by today.
Be sure to check out all the inspiring projects on the challenge blog, too.
The DT really went all out this month. Tons of gorgeous eye candy to be seen.

I'd love to show her off in the following challenges:
Brights all the way! I love vibrant, saturated colors!!