Current Design Teams

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Vera Lane Xmas Snark

I am still not done trying to make Halloween schtuff,
but I'm coming to the dreaded realization that Christmas is eminent.

I decided to have a go at transforming some Vera Lane digi images 
from their everyday quirkiness to Holiday Cheer Quirkiness.
I am always in need of last minute Christmas cards, and this little lady seemed
like the perfect focal point for a fun and simple holiday card. 

I used the Wednesday image and added a hat from the 
Boutique Hats set. I also gave her a cool sweater that was
offered as a freebie on the Vera Lane Studio facebook page.  

I went completely non-traditional with a purple and black color scheme,
and a snarky sentiment for this card. I used some TH snowflake border
and a MS skull border punch to mimic  a sweater design.

I am having a blast transforming these deliciously fun and quirky images
for Christmas cards. I may have forgotten to mention that I am using Gimp
to manipulate the images. I think I need to look for an update as my version is pretty
dated, but it still works for what I need.
I'll be back soon with a couple more cards using Vera Lane images and Gimp.

I'd like to enter this card in the following challenges:


  1. Hahaha... love it! a real alternative christmas card! Thanks for sharing with us at Glitter n Sparkle this week! Vic, DT x

  2. Saw this on FB. It is absolutely fabulous ! Fantastic colouring !
    Corrie x

  3. Hee hee love it and that image - such fun. thanks for sharing it with us at ABC Challenge and good luck
    Andrea x

  4. Nice card :) Thank you for joining us at GlitterNsparkle :) Dt Susanne

  5. Hi

    He is super nice.
    Thanks for joining us at CHCC2
    grtjs lisbeth

  6. i love your creations! this made me smile!
    Halloween doesn't last long enough.


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