Current Design Teams

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015: And the race is on!

Today is October first. The day I anticipate every year, yet I am 
never quite ready for it to begin. This year is no different, except I 
was smart enough to know I wasn't going to be able to participate in 
the usual October festivities like The Countdown to Halloween,
or the 31 Days of Halloween. I knew I didn't even want to try this year.
Last year the stress almost killed me...

Today being the first, is the start of the new challenge at Smudgy Antics.
The theme is always Anything Goes as long as you use a Smeared Ink image.
No other rules apply. 

I am working on my repurposed children's board book.
These are wonderful substrates for a multitude of mediums
and techniques. Not to mention, they are stupid cheap at thriftstores
and yard sales.

I decided to go in an unusual direction for me by using pretty much
only black, white, and silver for this layout. The dp set the stage being
gray and white. The vintage images lent themselves to a muted palette as well.

I used the Anatomy 101 Ribs by cutting them right down the middle. 
I used black soot distress ink and made it blend into the dp better.
Then I highlighted the ribs with a white Posca paint pen. 
I really like how this turned out.

How can you not love these guys?
They are only two of the fifteen bat images available in the
A Little Bit Batty set. It was hard to choose just two. 

Here's the other side of the rib cage, along with a TH rub-on.
The red, black, and  white splatter really sets these images off quite nicely.

Bat 1 from the A Little Bit Batty set, some more rub-ons,
and a small medical ephemera.

This made me giggle a bit. I used the Profile Head from the 
Gross Anatomy set, and matched it with a card meant for tasty
Halloween treats. I like it better used this way. 

That's it for me today.
Be sure to stop by the Smudgy Antics challenge blog and check
out all of the other inspiring projects to whet your October appetite. 


  1. OMG, this is fabulous! Loving the color scheme and the stamps, along with your wicked sense of humor puts these pages over the top! Love love, LOVE! xxD

  2. Wow!!!
    This is AWESOME!!!!
    What an incredible project!!!


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