Current Design Teams

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fuzzy stuff with teeth

I am super late for the current challenge at Haunted Design House.
We're looking for fur, feathers, teeth, and claws
Pretty simple prompt.

I decided to work in my small Dylusions journal. 
I still haven't worked up the courage to do anything with the larger
journal. This one is much less intimidating.
I began by using Dylusions inks on the background. 
Followed by some TH stencils, rub-ons, and stamps.  
This made the perfect laboratory feeling background for these

I used the cage image and added a title onto it in Gimp.
I thought I was being clever here. 

Isn't this frog just perfection?
I used some red foil embossing powder to give some sparkle to the
infectious waste stamps. The Dylusions sucks up the Versamark, so you have to 
work fast to get the embossing powder to stick. Still got a nice effect without the
actual dimension of the embossed powder.

I have some strange stamps that I rarely get to use.
Sometimes they're so strange they're hard to work into a project.
This stamp is perfect for this page.
That is a money paw in a jar, in case you were wondering.   

This little guy has probably had too much lithium already.
And probably some toxic radiation, too.

The original Pet Shop images comes with a zombie dude,
but I dropped my black pen right on his face and couldn't save him.
I did however have this awesome Vincent Price stamp that covered
quite nicely. I colored him to look as though the toxic glow was
emanating from the toxic guinea pig.   

Can't have a laboratory without a monkey head wet specimen.
I am not a fan of wet specimens. At all. But I do like me some 
taxidermy and skeletal remains. Just not wet ones.


  1. What fun pages, Glow! Loving' that green. Fabulous background and images. xxD

  2. Very amazing here Glo!! Love the creepy sentiment stamps. And yes I have my lithium levels checked regularly, it can cause liver damage if not careful. I love Ike's dead pet shop critters so wonderfully bizarre!! And a "Vincent Price stamp" OMG!! I want! Love the blood smushes on the cage! Really great pages!!


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